Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Playing a Part in Your Healing Journey

How long will you mourn?
I ask not from a place of judgment or condemnation,
But truly, on behalf of your wellbeing.
On behalf of your heart.
On behalf of a clarity that asks you to make a choice,
when you realize a choice can be made.
Grief is a force that deserves her due-- it’s true.
And so if she calls on you, then mourn
By all means, do!
Honor the rush of tears determined to be shed--
The tears and cries of anguish and sadness that breaks through
Catching you unawares.
But there is a difference between being a prisoner of Grief,
And being a willing prisoner of Grief.
The former forgets she is still capable of Love.
The latter chooses not to try.
The former forgets he can still receive Love.
The latter chooses not to allow it in.
Again, I pray, do not misconstrue--
Mourn for as long as you feel called to.
But desire to heal as well, I pray.
Please, desire to heal-- come what may.
And still, for a time, Mourning will take the lead.
And then one day, Healing will match in speed
And finally, one day, however long it takes,
Healing will inch forward, Healing will take its place. ©2015 IO aka Breath's Possibilities