Tuesday, June 16, 2015

6/16/15 Entry (Speak Up)

Salutations, Radiant Lights♪☼♪
Reminder for today is to speak up and speak from a place of as much love and clarity as is possible. Scott Stabile's picture post struck a chord with me. I can remember many times in the past when I felt someone should've "known better" or should've been able to see how I felt about this, that, or the other. And then, in some cases where a conversation was inevitable, by the time I "spoke" up, too much had already been building in silence for it to be resolved without having to navigate vast trenches of hurt between both camps. By not speaking up, I was doing all parties involved a disservice--including myself. Other people shouldn't have to read my mind and then be judged for not "getting it right." So, speak up. And I humbly implore you to remember to be conscious of the manner in which you are choosing to speak up. Because content and manner conveyed can make a world of difference.
Cheering you on♪☼♪