On my way to work this morning, I spied a blind couple up
ahead waiting at the traffic light. I’ve
seen this couple, a man and woman—possibly in their Fifties--travelling together
on countless occasions in and around the neighborhood.
Usually the man is in front with the lady not too far behind, both with
their white cane sticks and oftentimes engaged in conversation. I’ve actually seen the woman at the gym.
On the side of the street, a Con Edison van was parked and
two men in Con Edison gear were working around a manhole next to the van. As I got closer to the blind couple, I saw
one of the men notice them and ask if they needed assistance crossing the
street. At this point, the light had
changed and so I passed by as the blind couple assured him that they were okay
and thanked him for his offer. I found
myself really proud of that Con Edison worker and silently thanked him too.