Thursday, June 25, 2015

6/25/15 PSA: WHERE do you WANT to go?

PSA: WHERE do you WANT to go?

Dear One, remember that you have a choice. Promise yourself that you are committed to being aware of the nature of the playlist of thoughts currently on repeat in your mind. And then, from that awareness, you have a choice as to whether to continue listening or whether to switch out the ones that aren't helping you feel more genuinely loving and compassionate to your spirit. There may be occasions when you successfully become aware but at the same time find it difficult to turn your thoughts around. Thing is, this awareness counts as the beginning of easing into that which is more inherently loving. It's okay to gently see-saw back and forth in this awareness: "I'm so annoyed right now. I am so angry. But this anger actually isn't helping me to feel better. Aaargh!!! You know, it's a good thing I'm not able to set things on fire with my mind. Yet. Sigh. I wouldn't really want to set things on fire with my mind. It could get out of hand and then the Fire Department would show up and I'd have some explaining to do... Okay, I'm angry. I am owning this and at the same time owning that I would much prefer a healthier way of working through this. Okay. You know what? This is where I am for now. So, I'm going to break things up. I'm going to look for things that help to uplift me. I can think of the last time I laughed and who I was with. I can think of something nice that I did for someone else or vice versa. I can thank the Universe for not helping me strengthen the ability to set things on fire with my mind. I can look up and appreciate the sky or take in the beauty around me." Etc. Etc. Etc. Use your ability to be able to choose what you think, to move you towards the direction you genuinely want to be moving in. And allow it to take as long or as short as it needs to. But it starts with knowing where you want to go, the commitment to being aware, having the desire and making an effort.