Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Happy Holidays, and New Year Wishes
Aloe Vera Gel and Vitamin E Oil Experience
An Experience at Physical Therapy
I’ve been going to a Physical Therapy practice for a few months now: I go in, receive electrical stimulation therapy, perform my home program, work out on the bicycle, and finish with a stretching session, ultrasound, and cryotherapy-- the latter three administered by a therapist.
It seems to be a small staff in what can quickly become, with a lot of clients, a snug space. When I’ve
been there, clients always appear to be waiting: for an available station/ bed,
a machine, or a therapist. The other day, after my exercises, I, once again,
found myself sitting around, waiting for a therapist.
PT 1 was working on someone and apologized for the wait
time. I asked him how long he thought it
might take. He replied, “Ten
minutes.” I told him I’d check upstairs
for availability.
On the first floor, two therapists were sitting by one of
the office desks stations. PT 2 was on
his cellphone, and PT 3 appeared to be resting (she seemed to have come in with
an injury that day—she had been moving slowly earlier). Addressing my question to another employee, I
asked G if someone was available since PT 1 had a client downstairs.
G turned to PT 2, but his expression and body language
indicated reluctance and exasperation.
I’m not certain, but he may have just finished with a client not too
long ago. I am certain that he felt it
was PT 3’s turn to take a client.
Judging by her body language and expression, PT 3 was also reluctant,
which, maybe, had something to do with her physical state. The upshot was PT 3 would work on me.
As I watched G get out the cleaning supplies, walk over and
begin getting a station ready, I was still replaying the exchange between her
and her colleagues. It was clear that
these PTs did not want to take a client at that precise moment. But that exchange shouldn’t have happened in
front of me—especially since, on the surface, it just looked like they were sitting
around. Because it did take place in
front of me, it was unprofessional and should have been acknowledged via an
apology or an explanation, or both.
I approached G, told her I would wait for PT 1 then
Downstairs, I sat at a station until PT 1 was
available. When he came over, he
apologized again for the wait time.
PT 1, an older gentleman, only works at this site once a
week. PT 2 and 3, possibly in their mid
to late twenties, are the primary PTs for the practice, along with the owner
and two others. I didn’t say anything to
the owner. I’ve been coming to this
practice for a few months now and, based on the observations I’ve made, I
didn’t feel telling the owner would help. Even now, a day after the incident, I still
stand firmly by that decision. But I
might speak to G since she bore witness to it all and let her do what she wants
with the information...
I feel I did the best I could in those circumstances; I took
ownership of what I could.
Energetically, after their exchange, it didn’t sit well with me to have
PT 2 or PT 3 work on me. Since I had the
time, I would wait and work with a therapist who wanted a client.
Thursday, December 9, 2021
Notes from a Podcast Episode
— Notes I took while listening to The King of the Heart podcast, (KOTH) Season 2, Episode 15. Took the notes some time ago. Found them again and wanted to share.
Monday, December 6, 2021
Cheering. You. On.
Good luck in Earth school this week. Wishing you all my heartfelt best with your inner and outer travels. Take loving care. As best as you are able. Cheering. You. On.
Friday, December 3, 2021
The B41 Bus To...
Cheering. You. On.
Good luck in Earth school today. Always check in with yourself, first. Try to get clear, for you, what’s important. Have a point of view on what this is for you. Then, if you’re still feeling unsure regarding how to proceed, turn to someone you trust. This can be difficult. There are those in our lives who want the best for us and understand that how they may approach things, while right for them, isn’t necessarily right for you and the life you’re creating. Knowing you’ll make the decision that feels right for you, they’ll still share their insights and make peace (or not 😉) with your final decision. They might even press a little bit more to see if they can sway you. But you know, ultimately, they’ll honor your final decision. There are those who want the best for us but find it hard to allow you to live the life you’re creating. They’ll share their insights (sometimes unsolicited 😉) and you’ll know, without doubt, how they’ll feel if you make a different choice. You’ll know even if it’s unsaid as energy speaks volumes. And there are those we don’t feel compelled to turn to (and it’s important to notice & be clear on the why of this). Every chance you get, go to those who will share their advice and still extend energetic freedom (with no traces of withholding love) for you to decide how you, ultimately, want to proceed. And when the circumstances are reversed, I implore you to be that person for someone else. All the best with your inner and outer travels. Cheering. You. On.
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Cheering. You. On.
Yes, they can be hard. But whenever you can have these conversations and you're wondering if it's worth it, remember that your contribution to genuine inner peace is always worth your effort. Cheering. You. On.
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Integrity vs Loyalty. Cheering. You. On.
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Good Luck in Earth School Today. Societal Expectations/ Social Contracts and You. Cheering. You. On.
Good luck in Earth school today. It’s good to take a second, third, fourth look at societal expectations/ social contracts that tempt you to shrink from your true feelings on a matter. If you’re going along with the “crowd” on something “big” or “small” because it’s what you’ve always done, or because it’s what is expected but something within is niggling at you and (perhaps, has been for some time), saying, “This isn’t right for you”, create time and space to get clear on 1) why this not-so-silent struggle is unfolding within and 2) what would happen if you honored the inner nudges to stop putting energy towards what you’re not aligned with or what you’re no longer aligned with? Another way of looking at it is to ask, “What feels healthier and more loving within me and, consequently, the life I’m consciously creating?” All the best with your inner and outer travels. Cheering. You. On.
Monday, November 29, 2021
Good Luck in Earth School Today. Cheering. You. On.
Good luck in Earth school today. Wishing you more conscious experiences of extending healthy, loving, energetic support to yourself and grace to others (PS—You benefit from that extension of grace to others, too). All the best with your inner and outer travels. Cheering. You. On.
Friday, November 26, 2021
Good Luck in Earth School Today. Cheering. You. On.
Good luck in Earth school today. If you’ve ever lightened someone’s load, if you’ve ever endeavored to bring a smile to someone face, if you’ve ever taken the time to listen to someone working through something they’re experiencing as tough, if you’ve ever silently sent love or a prayer of assistance to someone, if you’ve ever taken time to compassionately explain something to someone, if you’ve ever gone out of your way to help someone just because you wanted to or felt it was the right thing for you to do, thank you. That’s you making a difference in someone else’s life. That’s you putting some love, some compassion out into the world. Sometimes, it’s acknowledged and sometimes it isn’t. But the energy that you have spent, the time, the care, just because you decided to, has made and does make a difference. Even if you never bear witness to it. Wanted you to know that. All the best with your inner and outer travels. Cheering. You. On.
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Cheering. You. On. (Thanksgiving Day in the U.S.)
Wishing you a happy day, full of giving thanks and counting blessings. And a genuine heartfelt thank you for all the love you put out into the world (including the love you're showing yourself/ nourishing & treating yourself to). All the best with your inner and outer travels. Cheering. You. On.
Card 11/25/21
one of the cards I drew today in case it’s helpful to you, too. All the best
with your inner and outer travels. Cheering. You. On. (Card is from The Wild Offering Oracle by Tosha Silver)
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Good Luck in Earth School Today. Cheering. You. On.
Good luck in Earth school today. Over the weekend, I saw a quote, “May you have the courage to break the patterns that are no longer serving you.” I’d like to extend that wish to all of us but exchange, “break” for “heal.” To me, the latter feels like it acknowledges a process, as well as carries the energy of the mental, emotional, physical & spiritual journey and outcome that I’d prefer to experience as it unfolds. Now, a healing journey sometimes feel anything but. Still, setting that clear intention is a way to continue to check in with your actions/interactions (i.e., “Umm, so, currently, for the record, this feels like a whole lotta suck…But am I making decisions that I genuinely feel will help me? As sucky as this currently appears on an external level, does this feel like my right decision/feel like it’s aligned with my desire to work towards healing? Yes? Okay. So, we’re saying, yes? Okay then. Good to know. So, onwards; one foot in front of the other, etc.”). All the best with your inner and outer travels. Cheering. You. On.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Cards 11/ 23/21
Sharing some of the cards I drew for my day in case it’s helpful to you, too. All the best with your inner and outer travels. Cheering. You. On. (Deck used is The Wild Offering Oracle by Tosha Silver)
Good Luck in Earth School Today. Cheering. You. On.
Good luck in Earth school today. Beat the drum of what’s working. Acknowledge what’s not working and how you might play your part in helping to turn that around. Or acknowledge how you can contribute to making peace with where things are now as you continue to figure out/ be open to that which contributes to a more lasing peace. But also beat the drum of what’s working. Beat that drum and be genuinely present with the acknowledgment. Beat that drum because your spirit/ your energy/ your inner child needs and deserves that upliftment, that acknowledgment, that step towards centering & emotional balance from you. All the best with your inner and outer travels. Cheering. You. On.
Friday, November 19, 2021
Good Luck in Earth School Today. Cheering. You. On.
Good luck in Earth school today. Gift yourself that which sparks in you, feelings of joy. And be present with it. It doesn’t have to cost money or be a literal physical gift. Show yourself some love and luxuriate in the experience. I hope you will. Cheering. You. On.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Good Luck in Earth School Today. Cheering. You. On.
Good luck in Earth school today. Whatever you encounter, or whatever you’re
already navigating, may you continue (or perhaps begin) to feed the energy of
trust. Not so much trust for a very specific outcome. But trust that you’ll
meet what is before you and you’ll do the best with what you can and where you
are. Not someone else’s version of what would be best; your best. Not your best
from yesterday or two months ago or two years ago, but your best from where you
are right now— physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, spiritually. And again, not so much trust for a very
specific outcome. Of course, if there’s a specific outcome you’re focused on,
one that you feel would genuinely contribute to your well-being, I’m not
saying, “Chuck it.” But I’m saying, “Also be open to something better.” Add
that into the thought mix. And then be, truly, open to something better. All
the best you in your inner and outer travels. Cheering. You. On.
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Good Luck in Earth School Today. Cheering. You. On.
Good luck in Earth school today. May you notice those experiences that contribute to uplifting your spirit. And may you extend compassion and patience and forgiveness to the experiences that trigger the opposite. All the very best to you in your inner and outer travels. Cheering. You. On.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Good Luck in Earth School Today. Cheering. You. On.
Good luck in Earth school today. If there are roadblocks on your path from A to B, may you first remember to breathe (slowly and as many times as needed). And then keep, deliberately, turning your attention towards how to flow through the unexpected with grace & compassion for the part of you that wants to insist, perhaps even violently, that this-roadblock-has-some-nerve-insinuating-itself-in-your-way-and-not-thinking-to-clear-it-with-you-beforehand. We try to control things. Even if you are actively working on not grasping so much for those reins, from time to time, before you realize it, you’ll look down and it’s, “Wait-what-Hand?! What are you doing?!” It’s ok. No shame. We’ve dedicated a lot of life hours to the habit of attempting to control. What’s important is what you choose to do in this now moment when facing said roadblock. May you catch yourself, take those conscious slow breaths, and then see how you can gently proceed. All the best to you. Cheering. You. On.
I'd like to draw your attention to an LR Knost quote
I love this:
"So don’t ask yourself at the end of the day if you did everything right.
Ask yourself what you learned and how well you loved, then grow from your
The larger
quote reads:
has nothing to do with perfection. Perfection isn’t even the goal, not for us,
not for our children. Learning together to live well in an imperfect world,
loving each other despite or even because of our imperfections, and growing as
humans while we grow our little humans, those are the goals of gentle
parenting. So don’t ask yourself at the end of the day if you did everything
right. Ask yourself what you learned and how well you loved, then grow from
your answer. That is perfect parenting.”
― L.R. Knost, The Gentle Parent: Positive, Practical, Effective Discipline
Monday, November 15, 2021
Good Luck in Earth School Today. Cheering. You. On.
Good luck in Earth school today. May you make decisions that move you closer to peace—move you closer to a true sense of peace felt within or move you closer to a clear knowing that “this” will contribute to healthy peace for you-- even if it’s a delayed experience of external peace due to external factors. I’d like to draw your attention back to the words, “move you closer to” and “healthy peace for you.” “Move you closer to” because, sometimes, it’s a process and we forget to honor the process—we forget that the decisions (big or small) still count (and are worthy of a mini, internal parade) even if the result isn’t “insta-peace.” And, “healthy for you” because “peaceful” decisions made at the expense of your peace, aren’t; you should be part of the equation. Yes, sometimes, given the circumstances, this is hard and easier said than done. But, sometimes, it's hard because we haven't actually considered the importance of our peace of mind, too. All the best to you. Cheering. You. On.
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Cheering. You. On.
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Cheering. You. On.
Give yourself permission to choose the better feeling thought.
-- Dawn Lianna, M.A.
Cheering. You. On.
-- Me 😉
Monday, November 8, 2021
Sunday, October 31, 2021
An Unexpected Kindness
Monday, October 25, 2021
Thoughts on some words. And Cheering. You. On.
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Cheering. You. On.
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Cheering. You. On.
It may be hard. Perhaps, you're out of practice or perhaps you've never truly practiced. But your kindness to yourself is vastly important. You are the one living in your skin. The words you choose to tell yourself has more impact than anyone else's words. So, please do try. And keep doing so. You are worthy of your own kindness. Cheering. You. On.
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Cheering. You. On.
Wishing you a day of thriving (however that looks and feels for you), and should the moment(s) call for it, persevering, and, especially when things feels hard, so much compassion for what you find yourself and those who cross paths with you, navigating. Take loving care--as best as you are able. Cheering. You. On.
Friday, October 8, 2021
I feel like, if you love someone, you can be honest in your anger and frustration and communicate this without setting out to hurt or punish them with your words, your actions, your energy (i.e., punishing via aggression or passive aggressiveness, or any other love withholding habits). Yes, I know (I know), that this (like many things worth one’s energy) takes work and practice. But I wanted to mention it. I wanted to give voice to it because I don’t think many people consciously realize/ consciously consider that this approach is an option. So, I post in hopes of helping to change that/ helping to plant/water that seed.
Thursday, October 7, 2021
Mental Snapshots in Target Today
Two of my favorite mental snapshots today while in Target:
#1: Walking past an aisle, I saw its lone occupant, a lady, possibly late 40ties to mid 50ties, dancing to the song being played through the store’s sound system. I didn’t recognize the song—but it felt like something from another era. And while her back was mostly to me as she swayed to the beat, gently moving her shoulders and arms, I did catch a glimpse of a smile coupled with a soft expression.
I don’t know if she would have continued dancing if we’d made eye contact. In that moment, she gave off the energy of someone comfortable in her skin, so, I like to think that she would, but I could also see her not dancing if someone else had already been in the aisle. Truth is, I’ll never know.
What I do know is I loved that she was dancing and that I got to see her doing so. The only other people I’ve ever truly seen dancing to music being played in stores are the little kids (3, 4, 5, 6-year-olds). And, as was the case with this lady in Target, I’ve often watched them and thought, “I love how present and committed to this moment you are. I love that you hear the music and you feel like dancing and you’re doing it. And I love how you've made me a little present, too.”
Sometime later, making my way through another part of the store, I watched a
smiling, energetic, little brown-skinned girl, maybe 3 or 4 years old, swinging
a plastic orange Halloween pumpkin pail by its handle, run/ walk towards an
aisle, and stop at a particular section. Her female guardian, who had been
following behind, also stopped, parked their shopping cart off to the side of
the aisle’s entrance, then watched the little girl with a smile of her own and
an expression that spoke to me of love.
Friday, October 1, 2021
Cheering. You. On. With love, love, love.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
If You Love, Say It, Tell Them
Scrolling through my FB newsfeed, I saw this posted on a friend's page. She included some beautiful, personalized words and both her sentiments and the pic post itself, made my heart smile. So, posting with a h/t to Terrie, as well as to TDL Counseling, who might be the originator (as my internet sleuthing shows a version of this posted by Ty David Lerman back in July. On his, the last sentence reads, "Make it weird...until it's not." I love that, too).
And while it states telling one's friends, I'd like to
humbly expand it to tell everyone that you love that you love them. Let them know 🙂
Friday, September 24, 2021
Morning Cuppa Musings
This is the message from my cup of tea (well, the teabag😁) When I read it, I smiled and said, “Yes.” But then I felt like adding, “May I co-create peace, tranquility and harmony with all I encounter in my day.” 🤞🏾😊 And I’ll try. And, sometimes, it might not unfold as such in my interactions out in the world— heck, or even with my interactions within. But, again, I’ll try. And work to keep gently moving towards it.
All the best with your inner and outer travels, and with inviting compassion along on the journey. Cheering. You. On.❤️
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
A New Practice
I had a moment early this morning, where I could sense myself about to board the express bus to mental (and possibly emotional, because, in my experience, they feed off each other) chaos. I caught myself in time to decide I really needed to breathe. So, I tried this practice I’d heard of in a recent audiobook (full disclosure, I’m going to need to listen to that section of the audiobook again and honestly, likely the whole thing. With reading, I’m moving at my own space, with audiobooks, sometimes things go by too quickly).
The practice involves breathing in and mentally focusing on different parts of the body, starting from the top and working one’s way down. Again, I’m thinking I didn’t do it exactly as it was mentioned in the practice (hence planning on re-listening). But my approach worked for me.
What I did was, on the in breath, I focused on my brain/pictured where it was in my body, and on my out breath, I silently said, “I love you, brain.” Then, I did the same process continuing to my eyes, nose, teeth, gums, tongue, mouth, all the way down to my feet. On the way there, I connected to the parts of my inner landscape, committing to the breathing in and out pattern, ending with the silent thought accompanying the out breath. By the time I was finished, I felt calmer, more present and in my body. From this place, I was able to make a clearer decision on how I wanted to proceed.
I’m going to commit to this, at the very least, as a morning practice before getting out of bed. I also realize I’d like to spend some time looking at some anatomy of the body pics or get a poster as I’m not 100% certain on visualizing where certain organs on the inside are actually located😅 (Then this got me wondering if there were any beginner anatomy of the body puzzles including an inside view that would be ideal for kids, that also included a few words on what its function is? Again, for children-- as young as age 6, for example. I'd like to find one for my nieces and nephews.)
Sharing the practice in case it’s helpful.
PS-- the audiobook practice was also a way to take time to acknowledge and appreciate one's body and all the work different parts are always doing that we take for granted until something becomes unbalanced.
Monday, September 20, 2021
I know I’ve often looked at hurdles as an issue to overcome. That energetic perception of it being an “issue” colors my approach (akin to “Geez. Hurdle, you shouldn’t be here.”). I’m working on catching myself and leaning more into, “Okay, Hurdle. While I’m not exactly elated that you’re here, I'm going to try focusing more on what can I do to work through this?” And keep returning to this self-talk whenever I find I’ve gone back to activating the energy of, “Geez…” And, maybe, the more I put this into practice, the sooner I’ll be more likely to view the hurdles more from the perspective of, “Ok, Hurdle, I see you. Bring it!” Maybe. :)
Monday, September 13, 2021
As the bus made its way to the
stop, I watched the guardian and the little girl stand up. Holding the
girl’s right hand, the guardian, who had been sitting in the aisle seat, now
stepped out and back, resulting in her charge being braced against her front,
both of them facing towards the exit.
As guardian and child stood in place, the bus jerked along, making
the journey to the stop, quite rocky. But together, they stood firmly in this
tableau until the bus came to a complete stop and opened its doors.
With the guardian wearing what felt like the little one’s school back pack, the girl, possibly age 5 or 6, still in the lead and still holding hands with her guardian, squeezed past the new passenger, and exited the bus.
I found myself thinking back to how the guardian had them standing and waiting by their seats, making sure they only moved when everything was in place for a smoother exit. At first glance it might seem like such a small thing but I appreciated how present she was—it felt like a decision born out of being present and born out of care. I also like to think that, subconsciously, she was teaching the young girl to practice, whenever possible, being comfortable with slowing down, with stillness, and with being secure in her balance before making a move.
This was the second time I’d noticed the pair during the bus ride and the second time I’d contemplated the idea of presence and care with them in mind. The first time was back when I’d boarded the bus and I saw the guardian smile down at the girl from behind her mask. She was turned towards the young one, looking down, her eyes full of warmth behind her glasses, giving her undivided attention. In turn, the little girl was looking up, holding her gaze and smiling back. I took the mental snapshot capturing, to my mind, a moment of presence and care in which a little girl knew that she was loved.
Monday, August 30, 2021
A Little Boy and His Guardian, Seen at a Laundromat in Brooklyn
A small, brown skinned boy, maybe age 6, with bright eyes and a soft looking, curly fro, held hands with his guardian as they entered the laundromat.
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
A Smile and a Wave, Seen from a Bus in Brooklyn
The bus was rather full by the time I staked my claim on a poll; several other passengers yet to board behind me.
As I stood, waiting for the bus to resume its journey, outside, making their way up the sidewalk, I saw a young one seated in a carriage pushed by her guardian. Seconds after noticing the little one, I watched her eyes glance to her left and dip down towards the ground. Then, she smiled and as she looked back up towards the direction the carriage was headed in, she gave a solitary wave of her left hand; the fingers tilted to the right, then led by her pinkie in a slow unfolding fan-like gesture from right to left.
Thursday, August 19, 2021
Honor the Wholeness of You
The parts of you that you, or others, make wrong for
speaking up, is in need of your compassion.
You have every right to speak up for yourself, every right
to advocate for fairness, wellness, kindness, wholeness, respect. By the way, I don’t agree with the opinion
that respect must be earned. I think
respect should be a given right from the start and then, from there, one’s continued
actions and words determine how things unfold.
But back to speaking up and not joining the detrimental
chorus that tempts you into shrinking yourself, entertaining thoughts of,
“That’s what you get for speaking up.
That’s what you get for advocating for yourself.”
You have every right to speak up and if, in the aftermath,
you are tempted to shrink, I implore you instead to address the part of
yourself that spoke up in the first place.
To the part that communicated either through feelings or thoughts, say,
“Thank you for speaking up. Thank you
for letting me know something didn’t feel right and needed addressing. When we were kids, sometimes or many times,
we couldn’t give voice to that which didn’t sit well with us. Or if we did, sometimes or many times,
someone we trusted, sometimes an adult, was unable to honor our feelings. But I’m the adult now, so keep communicating
with me and I promise to listen, and to keep speaking up for us.”
Even if you’re tempted to shrink because you made an error
in judgement. Thank the part of you that was trying to do good by you. Acknowledge that underlying the words or
actions you took was a desire to take loving care of yourself, acknowledge that
you now realize that you’ve made an error in judgement or an error in your
execution and, from this place of awareness and honesty, move forward,
alongside any necessary external amends, with conscious self-talk & actions
steadily nurturing self-compassion.
Ultimately, all this is to say, honor the wholeness of
you. Feeding feelings of shame from
yourself or others doesn't support the wholeness of you. And even if you made a mistake, when you
realize this, the wholeness of you benefits from your acknowledgment and your
gentle compassion with yourself as you now take slow, deliberate steps towards
living into a more conscious you.