Good luck in Earth school today. Always check in with yourself, first. Try to get clear, for you, what’s important. Have a point of view on what this is for you. Then, if you’re still feeling unsure regarding how to proceed, turn to someone you trust. This can be difficult. There are those in our lives who want the best for us and understand that how they may approach things, while right for them, isn’t necessarily right for you and the life you’re creating. Knowing you’ll make the decision that feels right for you, they’ll still share their insights and make peace (or not 😉) with your final decision. They might even press a little bit more to see if they can sway you. But you know, ultimately, they’ll honor your final decision. There are those who want the best for us but find it hard to allow you to live the life you’re creating. They’ll share their insights (sometimes unsolicited 😉) and you’ll know, without doubt, how they’ll feel if you make a different choice. You’ll know even if it’s unsaid as energy speaks volumes. And there are those we don’t feel compelled to turn to (and it’s important to notice & be clear on the why of this). Every chance you get, go to those who will share their advice and still extend energetic freedom (with no traces of withholding love) for you to decide how you, ultimately, want to proceed. And when the circumstances are reversed, I implore you to be that person for someone else. All the best with your inner and outer travels. Cheering. You. On.