Thursday, November 18, 2021

Good Luck in Earth School Today. Cheering. You. On.

Good luck in Earth school today.  Whatever you encounter, or whatever you’re already navigating, may you continue (or perhaps begin) to feed the energy of trust. Not so much trust for a very specific outcome. But trust that you’ll meet what is before you and you’ll do the best with what you can and where you are. Not someone else’s version of what would be best; your best. Not your best from yesterday or two months ago or two years ago, but your best from where you are right now— physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, spiritually.  And again, not so much trust for a very specific outcome. Of course, if there’s a specific outcome you’re focused on, one that you feel would genuinely contribute to your well-being, I’m not saying, “Chuck it.” But I’m saying, “Also be open to something better.” Add that into the thought mix. And then be, truly, open to something better. All the best you in your inner and outer travels. Cheering. You. On.