Good luck in Earth school today. It’s good to take a second, third, fourth look at societal expectations/ social contracts that tempt you to shrink from your true feelings on a matter. If you’re going along with the “crowd” on something “big” or “small” because it’s what you’ve always done, or because it’s what is expected but something within is niggling at you and (perhaps, has been for some time), saying, “This isn’t right for you”, create time and space to get clear on 1) why this not-so-silent struggle is unfolding within and 2) what would happen if you honored the inner nudges to stop putting energy towards what you’re not aligned with or what you’re no longer aligned with? Another way of looking at it is to ask, “What feels healthier and more loving within me and, consequently, the life I’m consciously creating?” All the best with your inner and outer travels. Cheering. You. On.