Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Two on the Subway, Man and Child

The subway train stopped short of its final destination.

Over the intercom, the Conductor apologized, promising we'd be moving along as soon as the congestion cleared up.

A passenger wearing a baseball style hat and a cartoon themed backpack, glanced down at the little girl sitting on his lap. She looked to be about 3 or 4, was fast asleep, and with her right thumb firmly housed in her mouth, created a picture of bliss filled contentment. I thought it safe to assume that she was the owner of the aforementioned cartoon themed backpack.

Gently, he shifted her position, hugging her closer to his chest. Then resting his chin over the top of her head, closed his eyes, appearing to make the best of the unexpected delay.

His eyes were still closed when the train resumed its course, but popped open, as if instinctively, a few seconds before the train pulled into the station.  Standing up, he transferred the girl so that she was now cradled against his right shoulder, and then fell into step with the rest of the crowd exiting the train.

In the wake of the sudden movement, the little girl, now staring out of half opened, sleep filled eyes, looked down at me. I smiled at her and earned a frown in return. Surprised, I laughed out loud and then thought it wise to feign interest in something else. Glancing back seconds later, I saw she had returned to the land of dreams.

Exiting the station, I found myself wondering if I had been her age, in her position, and on the receiving end of a random stranger's smile, what my response would have been?  But then it occurred to me that it didn't really matter. After all, whatever the nature of my response, it would still have been as honest and valid as that little girl's.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Two on a Subway Platform

The subway train pulled into the station, and in the middle of the afterwork rush hour, the varied masses made their exits.

Amidst the blur of coats, the buzz of conversation and the music of footsteps, one coupled pair, a man and woman, made their way onto the platform. Judging by the Snow White caps of hair and faces gently lined with the ghosts of expressions past and present, it seemed safe to deduce that they were older citizens of society.

She had exited first, purposefully walking a few steps, her eyes scouting out both ends of the platform.

He followed just enough to clear the train car's doorway, and then stood off to the side, carrying a rather large, cumbersome looking package-- its dimensions and shape reminiscent of the massive portraits usually seen renting wall space in various museums.

Once it appeared she had her bearings, she doubled back to him, circling upstage around the aforementioned package and briefly laid her right hand on his left shoulder.

Communicating in gestures with an ease that could only be borne out of concentrated familiarity, they readjusted the package so that each now bore its weight. The effect gave an almost shield-like purpose to the object as she held onto the inside of the upstage end, and he manned the inside of the downstage.

Then together, as together as can be with one ahead of the other, they slowly inched up the stairs, presumably, to other adventures, undoubtedly, looking forward to the leg of their journey where their package reached its destination.

Cards for the Week

Salutations, Radiants  Here are our cards of guidance for the weekSensitivity-- Honor how you feel. Forgive the temptation to beat yourself up for feeling how you're feeling in the moment. If it's something you don't want to feel, look at it and ask yourself, "Why?" Are you judging it? Can you honor its right to be felt and at the same time affirm your desire to heal and release anything toxic about your experience of it? Our emotions show up to communicate guidance. Usually, the ones we quickly try to push away or feel trapped by, are signaling that there's something desiring healing and compassion. Pushing it away, judging it, pushing down the feelings, is not conducive to healing. But also, take the pressure off to have it healed instantaneously or within a certain period of time. Instead, create, as best you can, an atmosphere that is nurturing and gentle-- meditate, play music, spend time in nature. Honor its presence and at the same time work through and with it. And remember that you never have to go at it alone The next card, which arrived stuck to the last, is that of Victory Have faith. Focus your thoughts and actions on prayers being answered in ways better than you could have imagined. Release your ideas on how it should come to pass and instead keep singing that chorus of gratitude that with Source, the Angels, your Guides and your Soul working on your behalf, victory will come to passClairaudiencePay attention to repetitive guidance in the form of thoughts that pop into your mind or are "randomly" communicated by those you cross paths with, that encourage you to take loving action regarding any or all areas of your life. Pay particular attention to the guidance that strikes a chord of quiet, personal truth and feels unconditionally loving Beloved One How can you experience more love in your life? Focusing on a perceived lack only brings more of the same. Nurture love by holding more loving thoughts and engaging in more loving actions. Where is the experience of love already being felt, already being manifested in your life? Tune in to that. And while you're at it, tune in to the love you feel coming out of you when interacting with others. For added assistance, call on Archangel Chamuel to help you experience more love in your interactions with others as well as in your perception of yourself Blessings upon you and your week, dear Radiants Cheering! You! ON!


Monday, November 30, 2015

Excerpt from a Book

“I think you’re feeling the winds of change. That’s what I think. Your soul knows what lies ahead, because your soul brought you into this life. Whenever a being in physical life is about to shift in consciousness and understanding, the ego-self – that is the voice of the personality seeking to keep things safe and secure – will be tested. You are most likely feeling this as anxiety. It’s a feeling of disquiet that you can’t quite understand. The way forward is to send love and acceptance to the feelings, and surrender to the path of the soul. Then you will be more at peace. Be assured that, as long as your intention is based on love and ‘right action,’ everything is as it should be.”—Ascemius to his daughter, Essayenya, in Judy Satori’s book, Sunshine Before the Dawn

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

On this day two months ago, I moved to my new place. I actually realized this two days ago whilst surfing waves upon waves of heartfelt gratitude. I had come home from work and just found myself filled with gratefulness. Now, it hasn't all been smooth sailing. With the physical change has come a variety of opportunities for growth-- on all fronts actually. But even with some of the growing pains, I like to believe I'm meeting these experiences with as much consciousness as I can connect to-- both in the moment and later when I rewind the mental footage of my thoughts and actions. And weaving through, underneath it all, is still that feeling of gratitude that things do work out for me and my life is filled with countless blessings. So, dear Universe, keep bringing on the opportunities for growth. I'm not saying I'm going to love every moment in the thick of it ;) But I am trusting I'll be grateful for the growth it'll usher forth. And with that, I bid you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and wish you thoughts and hearts brimming with gratitude ❤️

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Surrender the Relationship

Someone may not forgive you
though you’ve tried to make amends,
Surrender the relationship
When you catch yourself
keeping score of perceived hurts and slights,
Surrender the relationship
When thinking of the person or situation
triggers pain, anger, tears,
Surrender the relationship
If you are ready to embrace peace
and heartfelt forgiveness
Ask Spirit to assist and then actively,
Surrender the relationship ☼ Breath's Possibilities

Monday, November 9, 2015

Waiting for the Bus after Work

Slowly, night painted the skies, steadily eclipsing the smoke gray clouds with determined strokes of indigo blue.
She smiled to herself and then threw a hopeful look down the street, praying to see her bus.
Sigh. No sign.
It felt like she'd been waiting for it since the beginning of time. She hadn't of course. But she had been waiting long enough for hyperbole to make a comfortable home within her thoughts.
Glancing down, a few feet away from where she stood at the bus stop, a solitary centipede ambled by.
She sighed again.
Well, at least we're meeting outside, she reasoned at the centipede, telepathically. Unlike your various kinsmen who were making a habit of breaking into my home several weeks ago. 
Honestly, she continued, unfazed that the centipede seemed focused on its journey, paying her no mind. Honestly, I am perfectly okay with crossing paths with you outside...Preferably as a picture in a book or a magazine. But indoors-- where I sleep and eat and pay rent? I'm sorry, but that bugs me. HA! Get it? Bugs me? Because you're a centi--
She stopped mid thought and automatically glanced down the street again.
Come on bus, she conjured, silently. Where are you? Save me from making puns! 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Art (seen of Facebook)

Contribution to writing Quota for the Day

It's been some time since I've written.  This includes journaling. It's said that writers should write everyday-- that "practice makes perfect" or "practice makes the master." It's said that waiting for inspiration is a faulty approach.  What if inspiration never comes?  And then there's the other side which points out that life, in and of itself, is full of inspiration, and said inspiration is therefore readily available to those who are paying attention.  So, this is my contribution to writing for this day.
Let me clarify.

I'm sure I will doing lots of writing today.  But let this particular entry count towards my creative writing quota for the day ;)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

By the way

By the way, if I can be of assistance via oracle card readings, or distance energy healings, or both, please feel free to email me at breathspossibilities@gmail.com for details and rates Hope your week is filled with countless , "I SO love this!"😃


From the Gaia oracle deck, sharing this card's lovely affirmation. Already started using it and have included a few other, "I am" statements 
"I am blessed/ I am protected/ I am grateful/ I am fulfilled/ I am love"

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

By the Way

By the way, wanted to say that aside from Oracle card readings, I also facilitate distance healings If interested or for information about my rates, please do not hesitate to send me a message at breathspossibilities@gmail.com. Wishing you lots of, "How beautiful!" this week

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Unsolved Mystery

The Vic lay there. Not moving. Hence the use of the word, Vic.

I looked around.

No sign of a break in, no sign of a struggle, no sign of foul play. The only evidence indicating anything out of the ordinary was the body on the bathroom floor. Actually, the body straddled the entrance way between the bathroom and the kitchen. 

I looked around again and, for the life of me, couldn't figure out what had happened. One thing I knew for certain was when I left the house that morning, that body-- dead or alive-- was not there. And now, somehow, there she or he (I couldn't tell from this angle) was, lying in a somewhat crumpled heap on the floor.

Had I met the Vic earlier, trespassing on private property, I would have escorted him or her out. Or, if that wasn't going to be possible, then I would, most likely, have still ended up with a body on my floor.

But I didn't do it. And since this was shaping up to be an unsolved mystery, I made the decision to get rid of it. 

I had no other choice. A dead body is a dead body and I would, most likely, be a suspect. 

As I made peace with my decision, grabbed some tissues and made my way towards the corpse, I found myself wondering about his/her family. 

Even if they were estranged and hadn't been in contact for some time, family was still family, right?

I wondered if they'd organize a search party. 

I hoped not.

It's one thing to have to deal with a corpse, but it's living relatives?Especially a family of spiders? Literally?

I'd really rather not.

Monday, October 5, 2015

From Radleigh Valentine's Facebook Page

By the way...

Dear Radiants, wanted to let you know that aside from Oracle card readings, I also facilitate distance healing  For rates and further inquires, please do not hesitate to pm me. I genuinely love being of service in this way and if I can be of assistance, please do reach out. In the interim, sending brilliant beams of light and love from the heart☼ ♥  I can be reached at breathspossibilities@gmail.com

Friday, October 2, 2015

Trials and Kindnesses in an October Rain

Torrential, felt too inadequate a description. To her senses, it was as though the Heavens had flooded and had no other recourse but to drench the Earth below. 
The Earth and all its inhabitants, she thought, grimly, as she exited the store, three cumbersome bags in her left hand while struggling to open the umbrella in her right.
Not to be outdone, Mother Nature's other child, Wind, perfecting the role of Rain's fellow tormentor, insisted on wrestling aforementioned umbrella out of her grasp.
"I don't think so, buddy," she called out, sternly. 
When her ego pointed out there were others within hearing distance, she silenced it with, "Dude, the struggle is real."
Across the street she saw the first bus pulling away from the stop. Seeing a second take its place, she scurried through the crosswalk, adjusting her bags of double sized paper towels, two bags of lettuce and a gallon jug of distilled water. As a fleeting thought, she hoped the three milk chocolate bars of caramel clusters would survive the journey home, uncrushed. 
She then joined the queue to board, holding out for as long as she could before closing up her umbrella and resigning herself, reluctantly, to full exposure to the elements. When she wasn't summarily drenched as she had expected to be, she looked up and found herself under the protective canopy of another umbrella. 
It belonged to a kind stranger who smiled and made a remark about the rain. And though she laughed in reply, in truth, she was so surprised and grateful for his kind gesture, she didn't fully register the specificity and, therefore, meaning of his words.
She thanked him twice. Once, prior to boarding and paying the fare. And then again as he passed her on the way towards the back of the bus. He smiled again, assuring her it had been no problem at all.
For the remainder of the bus ride, two things played in rotation on her mind: the lovely, unexpected kindness of a stranger and the gentle encouragement to the grocery-bag-bearing left hand to hold on just a little bit more until they got to their stop.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

New Beginnings

Prior to the meeting, I asked the question, "How should I proceed?" and pulled two Oracle cards out of the deck. The first card said, "Let your past Go." The second card: "Time to Go." After the meeting, there was no doubt about the cards' guidance. And after the meeting, I put up a post mentioning I had been given 30 days to find a new place to live. Today, 28 days later, Hazel Butterfly and I moved to our new address. Here is a picture of Hazel B sitting in her new window box.


It has been an adventure-- physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. At one point I took the ferry to Staten Island (first time on Staten Island) to check out a place I had seen advertised. I got directions to the ferry from a nice young man I met on the subway train platform. It just so happened he was getting on the ferry as well. When we got to Staten Island, he even pointed out the best way for me to get to my destination. I like to think of him as playing the role of one of my Earth Angels that day.


Another time, I was scheduled to see a place in a different part of Brooklyn. I got so lost I had to call the lady who put up the post to get directions. Prior to making the call (which was going to be me canceling because it was such a hot day that my everything was wet, I was tired, I was frustrated, I was-- insert all logical excuses here), I had actually spoken to 14 different people ! Yes, I counted. Up till that point, I can't think of any other single occasion where I have initiated approaching 14 strangers for help. I had been trying to get to the destination "by myself." I had printed directions from Hopstop and thought I was good to go. Fourteen people later, I was good to go alright-- good to go back to my (for-a-limited-time) housing. But I made the call, walked some more, sweated some more and then climbed four flights of steep stairs. When I knocked on the front door, she handed me a glass of water. It was some of the best tasting water my parched self had ever had the pleasure of imbibing.


Two things got me through all of this. Lots of prayers-- not only mine, but my mother's. And people caring. Folks reached out to me on the page and via private messages. Some proffering avenues to explore, all reaching out to cheer me on.


While I am truly grateful for all the reaching out, there are four people I would especially like to single out for extending such beautiful kindnesses. Thank you to my friend, Keven, who was planning to rent an SUV and help me move. Keven lives in Chicago. He was going to fly in, rent the car and drive over. But Keven ended up not coming because of Lee! 

Thank you, Lee for not only getting me movers but for tipping them as well! Lee contacted me earlier this week to ask if I needed help with anything. I told her about Keven coming in to help and a few txts later, she said she'd get me movers as an early birthday present! I checked in with Keven to make sure he could cancel his flight, hotel and the car at no additional costs. He confirmed and then I confirmed with Lee. 

Next is Myra! Thank you, Myra! The day after I put up the post, Myra messaged me and then continued to do so practically every other day to check in. Aside from my mom, Keven, Lee and Myra, Laura was the next person to touch base every few days with uplifting words. Early on she had actually sent me a message asking for details on what I was looking for and what my budget was. The next day, as I hadn't had a chance to reply, she followed up with a phone call. Thank you, Laura!


I am so very grateful to have all of this work out and again, I want to express my gratitude to everyone who sent some helpful energy my way-- be they thoughts, prayers, conversations, etc.


Eleven years is a long time to be in one place. But I genuinely believe that with the closing of this chapter, there are even better adventures in the chapters ahead-- all just waiting for me to sign on as a willing explorer. So, Universe, I accept. Thank you for helping me finish the last chapter. I'm now turning the page, getting better acquainted with my compass, and ready for the next adventure.

Monday, September 14, 2015

By Nayyirah Waheed

"Sometimes the night wakes in 
the middle of me.
I can do nothing
moon" --Nayyirah Waheed

PSA from the Heart

That which feels loving to your Spirit. That which contributes to nurturing your inner environment of unconditionally loving peace. Choose more of that ♥

Thursday, September 10, 2015

♪ ♥ ♪Now offering the following services♪ ♥ ♪:

☼3 oracle cards for $18 these can be on Relationships, Career, General Guidance, and can be done via a Past, Present, Future Spread OR a Situation, Insights, Further Insights spread

☼Celtic Cross Spread for $40 (12 cards)
1—Issue or present situation (represents the question)
2—Influence or obstacle partially connected to card in position 1
3—most recent past or the background of the situation
4—the present, how it’s affecting you now
5—Near future (about 6 weeks time—can be influenced by free will actions of you or others involved)
6—Far future (about 12 weeks time—can be influenced by free will actions of you or others involved)
7—You, the Questioner
8—Environmental factors—energy around you at the moment
9—Hopes and fear (shows secret and inner emotions)
10—Outcome – the final culmination of all cards
11—Outcome (clarifying card)
12—Outcome (clarifying card)

☼Distance Healing (Consisting of Reiki & other channeled healing energies) for 15 minutes, including 3 cards, $25

Payment can be sent via paypal

If I can be of service, please contact me at Breath's Possibilities ♪☼♪


When you deliberately seek positive aspects of whatever you are giving your attention to, you, in a sense, tune your vibrational tuner to more positive aspects of everything. And, of course, you could tune yourself negatively as well. But as you are deliberately looking for positive aspects in yourself or in others, you will find more of those things: "The better it gets, the better it gets," for you get more and more of what you are thinking about —whether you want it or not.
Excerpted from: Money and the Law of Attraction on August 31, 2008
Our Love, Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)

Angel Numbers 222

Salutations Radiant Lights♪☼♪
There was a moment this morning where I was feeling a bit anxious. I looked up towards the heavens and said out loud, "Help, help, help." This is all connected to my search for a new place. When I got on Facebook, I saw I had received a private message from a friend. When I tried to open it, all I saw was a notification that the attachment had been removed. I'm thinking there were restrictions on the original post and so it couldn't be shared. The friend who had sent the message to me prefaced it by saying it was to uplift and keep my spirits up. But while her message didn't come through, another message did that did exactly that. I glanced at the time when she had posted: 222. For the last year, I've been seeing the repeating numbers: 1111, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 777, 888, and most recently 999. There are a few others, but the aforementioned are the ones I've seen the most. I used to see them when I "happened" to check on the time, but now, I'm seeing them in other places as well. So, that 222 helped to cheer me up and remind me that all will be well smile emoticon It was a lovely message for me and I'm sharing with faith that it's a lovely message for you, too heart emoticon Blessings♪ 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

PSA from the Heart

It's about you, feeling good about yourself. YOU. It's about you making your informed decisions, and charting a course of action. And even when you find yourself being re-routed, it's still about you continuing to feel so good about your destination that you can't help but trust in your journey. Cheering you on ♥


Friday, September 4, 2015

Monday, August 31, 2015

Count Down to New Beginnings

I am on the cusp of change. Truth be told, dear lights, my attention is more than a little bit divided at the moment. I learned over the weekend that I have a little less than 30 days to find a new place to live. It wasn't a surprise, but it wasn't something I can say that I was prepared for. I know and trust that this whole adventure is necessary for me at this point in time. Taking it moment by moment, helps. There are more moments of faith than those of feeling vulnerable. And yet, I guess i'm grateful for those latter moments popping up as well, because they remind me to choose faith. I am trusting in the best possible outcome and praying to stay in faith through the unfolding journey itself.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Miracles Healing Pic

Salutations Radiant Lights☼♪ Here is our healing pic and card for the weekend.  The card comes from Doreen Virtue’s Healing with the Angels Oracle. To activate the healing energies, please set the intention to receive and feel free to spend as much time as you feel drawn with the picture.  As always, the healing pics on this page are infused with loving energies with the intent that they be aligned with your free will and the greatest and highest good for all concerned.  Sending love and thoughts of loving kindness to you and your day and prayers of peace and perseverance to the tough situations you may find yourself currently navigating♪☼♪ God Bless♪☼♪ Love Bless♪ ♥ ♪ ♪Cheering♪ You♪ On♪

MIRACLES—“Miracles are occurring all around you right now. Begin to notice them, and you will experience even more miracles. This card is the angels’ way of telling you to expect a miracle. Perhaps you feel that you need one right now because you can’t see any other way to a solution. Be open to allowing God to help you resolve your challenges in ways that will surprise you. You open the door for miracles when you become willing to surrender your fears to God. Visualize the angels carrying away the issue, and feel yourself supported by God’s wisdom and creativity. As you relax into the Source, you are assured that blessings are surrounding you right now. Be open to a miracle coming your way.” 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Friday, August 21, 2015

Card of Guidance with a side of Healing ;)

Salutations Radiant Lights☼♪ The card of guidance for the weekend doubles as both one of guidance as well as of energy healing.  To receive the healing, please consciously accept it, and then spend as much time with the picture as you feel guided.  To assist with the healing, I asked my crystal friends, Green Aventurine, Tiger’s Eyes, and Malachite to help us out.  Wishing you all a gorgeous weekend, unfolding in the best possible way that is aligned with your greatest and highest good♪ Cheering♪ You♪ On♪

SHOWER OF ABUNDANCE—“To heal your financial situation, first give us your worries concerning money. We will guide you in order to show you how to create and accept abundance. As we work together, your financial situation will heal as fast as you’ll allow.  This card is a sign that your prayers about finances have been heard and answered. The more you can listen to and follow your gut feelings right now, the quicker you’ll experience improvements in your financial situation.” Additional meanings: *An unexpected financial windfall is coming to you* Give any financial fears to your angels* Follow any guidance you receive, as it could be an answered prayer about your finances* Abundance can take many forms, including having more time, opportunities, or clear ideas*

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


I had a moment yesterday when someone close to me called to speak his heart about problems in his current relationship.  Although I'd heard from his partner a few times over the years, this was the first time he had ever chosen to speak to me about it.  I was floored by all that I heard.  I was so floored that I recommended he needed to seriously consider whether ending the relationship would be the healthiest way forward for all involved.  This morning, I found myself looking at it in a different way.  So, I reached out to him and encouraged him to consider couples' therapy.  They're not communicating from a place of love and every argument gets them farther and farther away from it.  I feel, to give this relationship a fighting chance, speaking to someone who is licensed to help them re-open the lines of communication from a place of genuinely desiring to heal can only help.  While the final decision is in their hands, I'm really grateful this thought occurred to me.  If both parties genuinely want to do the work to help the relationship heal, then both parties have to stay open to options and follow through with thoroughly investigating those options.  If both parties end up going their separate ways, at least they know they really did do the best each felt s/he could do.

the Being

PSA from the Heart

Friends, remember that what you say, how you choose to say it and the intent behind what you say are all equally important. Being unconscious regarding any of the aforementioned does not bode well for satisfying communication. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

PSA from the Heart

Sharing a mantra I learned from the writings of Jonathan Parker, a few years ago. Sharing in service to love:
"My body is continually renewed by Divine Love. 
My thoughts are illuminated by Love.
I surrender to the Divine work of perfection in me.
My heart is pure radiant Love.
The power of Love radiates from me, I rest in perfect trust."

Friday, August 14, 2015

Cellular Healing Card for the Weekend

Salutations Radiant Lights♪☼♪  Our card for the weekend comes from Cheryl Lee Harnish’s Divine Guidance Oracle.  Upon seeing the card, I went ahead and asked to channel some additional healing energies into the picture for our greatest and highest good, as well as asked for some additional assistance for us all from my Selenite and Green Calcite friends ♥  To receive the healing, all you have to do is consciously set the intention to do so ♥ As always, sending love and upliftment to your today and every day.  Cheering you on with Brightest of Blessings from the heart ♪ ♥ ♪

25-CELLULAR HEALING:  “Each cell within our body is a unique individual organism and each cell has memory. You have drawn this card because there are changes taking place on a cellular level. The vibrant green energy surrounding the cell in the image denotes healing; either of a physical or energetic nature. If it is on an energetic level, the healing energy moving through you is helping to release old cellular memories that your body is holding. On the physical level, you can expect to feel more energized and renewed as your body returns to its natural state of health.

Thursday, August 13, 2015


PSA from the Heart

Check in with yourself. Figure out what is most aligned with genuine feelings of peace-- that which brings up feelings of peace-- and then let that inform your thoughts and actions. Cheering you on heart emoticon ♪♪ 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

PSA from the Heart

Where will you place your focus? Moment to moment, that's all you can attempt to control. So stuff happens and you get angry. It's okay. It's a valid emotion to feel. Acknowledge that it's there. But remember you don't have to stay there. Staying in that energy of anger won't help. In fact, choosing to stay in the energy of anger hinders the appearance of any positives that can come out of the situation. Things may not be unfolding as you'd hoped or planned, but it doesn't mean something better can't come out of this. Have faith and leave the door open for miracles. Cheering you on heart emoticon ♪ 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Enchantment Healing Pic

Salutations most Radiant Lights♪☼♪ A healing pic for you. To receive, please set the intention to do so and feel free to spend time with the pic as you feel drawn. Brightest of Blessings from the heart, Breath's Possibilities♪♥♪ 

PSA from the Heart

"Challenges" show up in our lives to help us grow. Remember, friends, remember.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

PSA from the Heart

PSA from the Heart

If there are hurt feelings, acknowledge them. If there is anger, acknowledge it. Acknowledging it to the people involved may or may not help the situation, but at the very least acknowledge it to yourself. From there, be proactive about desiring the situation to be healed in the best way possible that contributes to the greatest and highest good for all concerned. What's great about phrasing it as such is that now you're allowing a Higher perspective to take part in helping to shape the rest of the unfolding journey for you and your perception of others involved. Ultimately, that's what you can change-- your perception. Holding on to the anger or hurt only perpetuates victimhood. And I, for one, would rather see myself as empowered than as a victim. Be clear in your heart about your feelings and your desires and continue to take empowering steps. Cheering you on, Breath's Possibilities♪

Power Healing Pic

Salutations Radiant Lights🎶🎶 Here is a Healing Pic for you on the theme of Power. Power here speaks of a quiet, brilliant, strength, interwoven and steeped in Love. Speaking from this place of Power. Grounded in one's Power. Knowing the difference between Power that stems from Love versus that of Fear. To receive this healing, please set the intention to do so in all ways aligned with your greatest and highest good, and then feel free to spend as much time as you feel drawn with the picture. Brightest of Blessings from the Heart, Breath's Possibilities

Thursday, July 30, 2015

PSA From the Heart (Thank You, Teacher)

PSA from the Heart
I chose you to teach me.
I chose you consciously or unconsciously, but I chose you.
I chose you to teach me patience.
I forgot that in the heat of our interactions.
I chose you to teach me how to empower myself.
I forgot that when all I could see was your disinclination to step up and take responsibility.
I chose you to teach me how to forgive.
You played your part so well; I forgot I didn't have to be a victim.
I chose you to teach me love —not necessarily by emulating your example, but by learning to give to myself and to others that which appeared to be lacking in our interaction.
I chose you to teach me.
And for that, I thank you.
I may not always remember this as all is unfolding, but when I am ready, I will look within and master the lesson that I chose you to teach me.Breath's Possibilities