On this day two months ago, I moved to my new place. I actually realized this two days ago whilst surfing waves upon waves of heartfelt gratitude. I had come home from work and just found myself filled with gratefulness. Now, it hasn't all been smooth sailing. With the physical change has come a variety of opportunities for growth-- on all fronts actually. But even with some of the growing pains, I like to believe I'm meeting these experiences with as much consciousness as I can connect to-- both in the moment and later when I rewind the mental footage of my thoughts and actions. And weaving through, underneath it all, is still that feeling of gratitude that things do work out for me and my life is filled with countless blessings. So, dear Universe, keep bringing on the opportunities for growth. I'm not saying I'm going to love every moment in the thick of it ;) But I am trusting I'll be grateful for the growth it'll usher forth. And with that, I bid you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and wish you thoughts and hearts brimming with gratitude ❤️