Friday, August 28, 2015

Miracles Healing Pic

Salutations Radiant Lights☼♪ Here is our healing pic and card for the weekend.  The card comes from Doreen Virtue’s Healing with the Angels Oracle. To activate the healing energies, please set the intention to receive and feel free to spend as much time as you feel drawn with the picture.  As always, the healing pics on this page are infused with loving energies with the intent that they be aligned with your free will and the greatest and highest good for all concerned.  Sending love and thoughts of loving kindness to you and your day and prayers of peace and perseverance to the tough situations you may find yourself currently navigating♪☼♪ God Bless♪☼♪ Love Bless♪ ♥ ♪ ♪Cheering♪ You♪ On♪

MIRACLES—“Miracles are occurring all around you right now. Begin to notice them, and you will experience even more miracles. This card is the angels’ way of telling you to expect a miracle. Perhaps you feel that you need one right now because you can’t see any other way to a solution. Be open to allowing God to help you resolve your challenges in ways that will surprise you. You open the door for miracles when you become willing to surrender your fears to God. Visualize the angels carrying away the issue, and feel yourself supported by God’s wisdom and creativity. As you relax into the Source, you are assured that blessings are surrounding you right now. Be open to a miracle coming your way.”