If there are hurt feelings, acknowledge them. If there is anger, acknowledge it. Acknowledging it to the people involved may or may not help the situation, but at the very least acknowledge it to yourself. From there, be proactive about desiring the situation to be healed in the best way possible that contributes to the greatest and highest good for all concerned. What's great about phrasing it as such is that now you're allowing a Higher perspective to take part in helping to shape the rest of the unfolding journey for you and your perception of others involved. Ultimately, that's what you can change-- your perception. Holding on to the anger or hurt only perpetuates victimhood. And I, for one, would rather see myself as empowered than as a victim. Be clear in your heart about your feelings and your desires and continue to take empowering steps. Cheering you on, Breath's Possibilities♪