Salutations Radiant Lights♪☼♪
There was a moment this morning where I was feeling a bit anxious. I looked up towards the heavens and said out loud, "Help, help, help." This is all connected to my search for a new place. When I got on Facebook, I saw I had received a private message from a friend. When I tried to open it, all I saw was a notification that the attachment had been removed. I'm thinking there were restrictions on the original post and so it couldn't be shared. The friend who had sent the message to me prefaced it by saying it was to uplift and keep my spirits up. But while her message didn't come through, another message did that did exactly that. I glanced at the time when she had posted: 222. For the last year, I've been seeing the repeating numbers: 1111, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 777, 888, and most recently 999. There are a few others, but the aforementioned are the ones I've seen the most. I used to see them when I "happened" to check on the time, but now, I'm seeing them in other places as well. So, that 222 helped to cheer me up and remind me that all will be well smile emoticon It was a lovely message for me and I'm sharing with faith that it's a lovely message for you, too heart emoticon Blessings♪