Thursday, July 30, 2015

PSA From the Heart (Thank You, Teacher)

PSA from the Heart
I chose you to teach me.
I chose you consciously or unconsciously, but I chose you.
I chose you to teach me patience.
I forgot that in the heat of our interactions.
I chose you to teach me how to empower myself.
I forgot that when all I could see was your disinclination to step up and take responsibility.
I chose you to teach me how to forgive.
You played your part so well; I forgot I didn't have to be a victim.
I chose you to teach me love —not necessarily by emulating your example, but by learning to give to myself and to others that which appeared to be lacking in our interaction.
I chose you to teach me.
And for that, I thank you.
I may not always remember this as all is unfolding, but when I am ready, I will look within and master the lesson that I chose you to teach me.Breath's Possibilities