Friday, July 17, 2015

7/17/15 PSA from the Heart

PSA from the Heart
Speak up. It's been on your mind for sometime, and the reason you haven't spoken up is you're worried about what they will think of you. But the longer you don't address it, the more resentful and victimized you find yourself feeling. Speak up. In this situation, silence is a cell and speaking up means freedom. Speak up. Think about what you want to say. Think about why you want to say it. Think about how you want to say it. Those three things you can control. You can't control how the person(s) will respond to you, but you can take charge of the what, the why and the how of your speaking up. And in the case of the latter, remember that the manner in which you choose to speak, oftentimes, speaks louder than the words themselves. Speak up. Give them permission to respond however they choose to. But you, please, speak up. You're the only one equipped to do it for you. Speak up.