Sunday, June 20, 2021

Happy Father's Day 6/20/21

All around, expectations permeate the air:

Society’s, Family’s, Personal.

You juggle them, giving each, at one time or another, the spotlight of your attention,

Or, sometimes, all three, when they seemingly morph into one.

Against this backdrop of, sometimes, egos versus sovereignty, 

For all the times those in your care felt loved,

Thank you.

For all the times you worried over making the best decision from a place of love,

Thank you. 

For all the times you stepped away from habit to step closer towards healing, 

Thank you.

To all the Fathers parenting here on earth or cheering from Heaven,

For all the times and all the ways, seen and unseen, that you keep rolling up your sleeves, that you keep committing, that you keep loving, 

Thank you.

You, specific you, your specific presence, your specific way of caring, uniquely beautiful you, you make a difference.

Thank you.
Happy Father’s Day.