Hello folks :) I stand with thee on the cusp of a new week by the end of which we’ll find ourselves at the start of a new year. In an FB exchange I had last week, I stumbled upon what I, ultimately, believe I want for myself moving forward in every moment, every day, every month, every year of this journey called, life: all the good and all the growth. I feel like those two concepts combined just about covers everything for me, personally. Alongside those intentions, I’ll continue to play my part when it comes to contributing to my wellbeing, as best as I am able— however that “best” feels like for me from moment to moment. And so, this week, and all your days ahead, in addition to all your personal intentions and desires for your life, I include the wish that you, too, experience all the good and all the growth <3 Good luck on your journey. All the best to you in your endeavors. Take care of your spirit. Cheering. You. On <3
Sunday, December 27, 2020
I am the Caretaker of my Inner Peace
Everytime I speak up about something that is bothering me, instead of sitting on it or swallowing it down because of past habits of trying to keep the peace at the expense of my own peace, I'm really proud of myself. And I'll often revisit that gratitude loop throughout my day: giving thanks for the clear nudge to speak up, giving thanks for listening to the nudge to speak up and giving thanks for the actual speaking up. Because I'm the caretaker of my inner peace and my inner peace matters, too.
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Happy Holidays 2020
2020 has been a journey replete with change, growing pains, wake up calls, and the very (to say the least) unexpected. But we’ve met the experiences as best as we have been able in the moments of their unfolding and, the truth of the matter is, we shall continue to do so— recalibrating towards what that “best” genuinely feels like to us in real time. Wishing you Happy Holidays. Truly. As much as is possible <3 Lots of love and prayers for inner peace and quiet joys to you and the rest of your 2020. And even more love, prayers for inner peace and raise-the-roof levels of joy to you and your 2021 <3 All the best on your journey and with your endeavors. Cheering. You. On.
Friday, December 18, 2020
I’ve been thinking about energetic boundaries and those instances when my intuition communicates something to me and it feels right for me but I don’t feel a pull or feel it’s warranted or necessary to explain it. I’m talking about scenarios where someone decides I should purchase something or put money towards something that doesn’t speak to me or take on an activity that, again, doesn’t speak to me. If you proffer a suggestion to a friend or even an adult family member, and they’re not interested in pursuing it and they say, “No, I’m not interested,” they’ve given you their answer. That should be enough. You proffered something, the person isn’t interested and said so. To ask them, “why?” is often stated, though I admit not always (but all parties involved can tell when it is), in a way that asks for them to defend their disinterest. Then, in that particular scenario, this is usually followed by you trying to convince them to change their mind. This shows you’re not listening to them, not respecting their right to say no and are now engaging in ignoring energetic boundaries. Respect their decision. Feel free to add, “If you change your mind...” Otherwise, honor their sovereignty.
When I wrote the above, a friend replied that she follows up a why with, “Tell me why you want to know why.” I liked that. It can bring additional insights for both parties— for the one asking and especially for the person initially questioning the why out of an unconscious habit.
I say unconscious habit because in some cases, this could’ve been learned as a child navigating rules and expectations from guardians/ adults. In many of those situations, saying no just wasn’t accepted and honored. And while I can understand in some of those cases why the guardian/ adult asks that follow up why, it’s also easy for the guardian to feel unconsciously “owed” an explanation as opposed to genuinely wanting to hear the why and make a conscious decision on how to respond once the why has been answered.
But the question, “Tell me why you want to know why,” presents an opportunity for an unconscious habit to be examined — “why do I really need to know and where am I really coming from?”
After writing all of that, I thought of children who ask their guardians why and get the reply, “Because I said so.” But the thing is, I think children should be given more conscious answers because they are children and are learning to process the world via their experiences and interactions and taking more conscious time to explain can help towards raising them to be more conscious as they grow in the world.
Saturday, December 12, 2020
The Cicadas are Coming
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
So, although it’s winter here in my part of the world, fall is holding on pretty strongly. And with fall, comes leaves. Falling. Thing is, that’s a pretty normal sight when you have trees on the property. But it’s a puzzlement when you don’t. Like you go outside and look up towards the sky and there are no trees in your sightline. But once you start actively searching further out towards other people’s property, you see the trees. That are shedding their leaves. These leaves make their way over to where I live and camp outside my front door which happens to be my landlord’s backyard. And because the leaves will literally be right there when I open the door, I get a broom to sweep them out of the way, otherwise, they’ll come inside with me. And that’s no good. So, I sweep and then go about my business. A few hours later, I’ll open the front door to run to the mailbox, or to go put something in the recycling bin, and it’s like I never swept. I am greeted by leaves. As far as the eyes can see. It’s like they’re a crowd camped out for an outdoor concert, and I’m the one on stage. So, once again, I get the broom and sweep them out of the way. Now, you might be thinking, “Aren’t those just the leaves you swept up earlier?” No, dear reader. No. That pile is still where I swept it. These are newly arrived leaves. It’s gotten to the point where after I’ve swept and have gone inside, and I hear the crawling of leaves on the concrete, I have to laugh. Because I can envision them crawling closer and closer to my front door, and there’s nothing I can do about it. Except to sweep. And laugh. Sometimes. And accept this as my fate in the fall. On a related note, I used to think the sound was actually creepy. Seriously, next time you’re indoors, and maybe it’s night time, and you hear leaves crawling around on the concrete outside, see if it doesn’t sound creepy to you. It might just be me. Let me know. It’d be a good twist to a horror movie. The main character is indoors, hears the creeping, crawling leaves, dismisses it. But when she opens the door??! Well, it’s something unexpected.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Remember Love
The other day, I was reminded of love— the importance of choosing to remember to be open to it for the life I’m trying to live. I can’t tell you how many times love hasn’t been the first, second or third thing I’ve considered when face to face with certain relationships or situations in my personal life, not to mention when viewing certain things in the world at large. Thing is, I do believe in love. I do believe in the power of love and the importance of love in how I navigate my journey. So, with the recent reminder, I’m promising myself to return to the thought of/ to the desire of genuinely reconnecting to it even if I’m not clear on how to get there in the moment. I’m not saying I’m going to lie to myself and say, “I love,” when I’m not feeling the energy. But I can always say, “Help me get to love, however that looks in regards to this relationship or this situation, however long it takes.” Ultimately, I want to take that step towards that direction instead of just swimming in the story of why what’s happening isn’t ideal or why that person is the problem. Again, I’m going to honor the feelings that come up in the moment— after all, they’re communicating something important to me. But I want to remember at some point, while I’m feeling and working through those present feelings, that I genuinely, ultimately, desire some help in reconnecting to love and I’m open to how it manifests.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Father’s Day 2020
Saturday, June 20, 2020
My Niece, What a Gift
Monday, June 15, 2020
Thought Rambles— Children Deserve
I love my mother.
And when I question her stance on a subject, she’ll eventually reply that when she was growing up, she listened quietly when the grownups spoke and never interrupted.
I believe her. I do. It was a different time. It was a different culture. I don’t for a second doubt that she listened quietly.
But I wasn’t there so I can’t say if that was the right thing to do, because older doesn’t necessarily equal wisdom. It does in some cases until it doesn’t. Being an “adult” does not mean you suddenly have a monopoly on wisdom.
And I’m not my mother. I’m me. And now that I’m older and have had my own life experiences to draw from and have done some observation of the world around me, there’s a good chance that I’ll speak up if I don’t agree with something the other adults are saying. Not to be antagonistic, not to be disrespectful but to question why certain perspectives are being embraced especially when from where I stand it looks an awful lot like inviting more pain into that person’s life. And not the, “that which doesn’t kill me makes me stronger” pain but more along the lines of that “is the opinion that fire cannot melt out of me. I will die at the stake” variety.
I believe that the next generation has the potential to help heal perspectives held and perpetuated by their parents because, in many cases— though not all— what mom and dad knew was based on how they observed and related to their mothers and fathers. For example, based on my experiences and observations, I now understand the difference between discipline and punishment and I can tell you that many of West African descent of a certain age, growing up, only knew punishment, (though those doling it out would call it, “discipline”) because of their parent’s own upbringing that if you “spare the rod you spoil the child.”
I now know that adage isn’t true.
Children deserve your consciousness, your presence. They deserve the best that you can offer from a place of love. They deserve everything that can help them thrive and grow their heart, their self esteem, their wisdom.
Impending Job Search
Amongst other things on the list, nothing like the feelings surrounding an impending job search to have one questioning their confidence in their marketable abilities.
The tremors in the fault lines of one’s confidence can be attributed to feelings of self worth. Specifically how you’ll be judged by the hiring manager.
When I’ve felt those tremors, it’s often because I’ve momentarily abandoned myself. Momentarily relinquished perceptions of me to inhabit the skin of this, often faceless, other. An “other” who I imagine is more so against me than for me. Which is an odd way to view someone who, by the very fact of taking applications and resumes and, eventually, meetings, does want to fill the position.
Sooner or later, hopefully arriving quickly to the former, I return to myself. I breathe and breathe until the stomach butterflies settle. And then, and only then, I look at the things in my control: a resume, a cover letter, an interview outfit, getting help with any of the first three from someone I trust— someone I know or someone who specializes, at the very least, in the first two, — prayer or a kick ass affirmation or the employment of both. Take control of what you can control and allow all that isn’t in your control to be. After all, since you can’t control it, any attempts is expending energy that can be better spent elsewhere.
This is also a time to mentally swim in some positives. You can think of what you’re grateful for in your life. It doesn’t matter how many things and the only requirement is that it’s something you’re grateful for (ie the fact that pancakes exists in the world, or a particular song that moves you, or your amazing, intelligent, big hearted, beautiful niece, etc). Or you can think about what you’ve grown through in life. This might include what you consider to be tangible accomplishments (ie, you graduated high school) or those that are even more personally nourishing (that time you spoke up because it felt like the thing you needed to do). The point is to comeback to yourself and give voice or give thought to and actively witness some of the experiences that have positively contributed to how you’ve moved through your life thus far.
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Thoughts on Being Responsible versus Feeling Responsible
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Returning to Love
Thursday, May 14, 2020
It’s okay to feel how you feel
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Welcome to a new week/ Cheering you on
“Dwell in possibly”— Emily Dickinson
Two quotes I hadn’t thought about in a long time that, literally, popped into my head, in that order, over the weekend.
And so, as we embark upon this new week, I share them as encouragement to, hopefully, help in navigating the journey. Good luck with everything. Holding space for the best possible outcome. Sending love. Cheering you on💛✨✨✨
Happy Mother’s Day, May 2020
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Shelter from the Rain. Seen in Brooklyn.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Surprise in the time of Social Distancing
In the Pause. One week gone by.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Endings: In the pause between the exhale and inhale
Monday, April 13, 2020
My Mom Called Just to Hear my Voice
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Me, My Mom and Technology— WhatsApp Video
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Thinking Out Loud
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Sharing Beautiful Nature
Saturday, March 28, 2020
3/28/20 Good morning
Wanted to take a moment to wish the very, very best to you throughout your day— through whatever challenges that may arise, through any experiences of unexpected joys, and even through the undertaking of that which you might label, mundane. As best as you can, whenever you can, hope you’ll take gorgeous care of yourself. Good luck, always ♥️ Cheering. You. On💛✨✨✨