Saturday, May 9, 2020

Shelter from the Rain. Seen in Brooklyn.

This was an observation from early March that I never got around to posting until now.

A thoroughly rainy morning. So wet that, if you could afford to, it’s skipping-travels-into-the-outside-world weather. I was standing at the bus stop when I saw two people, perhaps a couple, make their way to a car, sharing shelter under the umbrella he was holding. He appeared very focused on making sure she didn’t get wet and so, together, they inched along until they reached the car. He didn’t leave her side until she was sitting in the passenger seat and her door was closed. Then, with a marked change in pace, he strode over to the driver’s side, got in and waited until the last possible moment before collapsing his umbrella. Not long after, he carefully pulled out of the parking space and drove away. 

Set against that backdrop of torrential rain, I was especially drawn to the care with which he sheltered her to her car door and seat.