Lately, particularly since the beginning of this new year, and seemingly increasing with every passing week day, it feels like I’m being forced to flow with how certain things are unfolding in a certain area of my life. Since the beginning of the new year, it feels like in every passing week day in a certain area of my life, I make plans to “catch up” and then something happens that throws a wrench into my attempts. I have not always been patient with this. I have, at times, actively struggled and tried, in vain it would seem, to wrestle for control. But I’m learning. I’m learning to flow with things. And I’m learning to be kind to myself and not take for granted what I’m able to accomplish even if it’s “not as much” as I would have liked if it were entirely up to me. I’m especially grateful for what I’ve been able to accomplish from a place of kindness and breathing (sometimes slightly harried breathing, but breathing and getting better at it being less harried in the moment). I’m also very grateful for the things that come to my awareness in time for me to take action. And in this moment, as I write that, I can honestly say if something comes into my awareness “later” than I would have liked, it feels like it’s taking a shorter period of time for me to then affirm the best journey and allow that to be however that manifests. And this is currently where I find myself🙂
After work as I made my way to the subway station, I noticed it was an unseasonably warm March evening. And while I know that speaks to larger issues, I’m honestly very grateful for the way it wrapped itself around me. I’m grateful for this weather that contributed to my being able to breathe deeper. And contributed to my feeling I could physically take up space in the world. And contributed to my being able to feel grateful. That is all 😉 Good night 🙂