Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Cicadas are Coming

The other day, I read that late spring of 2021 marks the 17 year resurgence of the cicada and they will likely make an appearance in New York.  So, for the record, based on past experiences, I would rather they didn’t 😬 Seventeen years ago, I last encountered them in Cincinnati, Ohio. I have a memory of one of my roommates at the time, screaming downstairs when a loudly chirping cicada got trapped in her jacket with her still in it.  That was the incident that led to the rule that no one (there were three of us) was allowed to let a cicada come upstairs and into the apartment with them. Ever. Seventeen years prior to that was my first encounter with cicadas in Silver Spring, Maryland. I was in elementary school and have a memory of being chased across the playground during recess by cicada carrying “friends” while thousands of their kin chirped all around me as far as my eyes could see. There was also the inescapable crunch of cicadas being trampled underfoot because, again, as far as the eyes could see meant they were everywhere. So, I was either being chased by giggling “friends”, or the poor cicadas were blindly launching themselves at me, or they were being stepped on because they covered every available outdoor surface. I’d rather not make new cicada memories for 2021😬