Sunday, October 21, 2012

It's Just a Little Touch ;)

I was running late today and so I asked the angels for help in getting to a certain place by a certain time. I got on the subway, put on some music and closed my eyes. At one point during the commute, I looked at my watch and was thrilled to see I was making great time (totally attributing this to asking for their help)and so I closed my eyes again.

Sometime later, I felt as though I was straddling the worlds of "real" life and the beginning stages of sleep. I heard the train system announce the stop before my stop, but somehow thought I had more time before my actual stop. Well, as I sat there with eyes closed, I felt a gentle, but definite touch on my right arm--as though someone's thumb and forefinger came together to apply a light squeeze to an area above my elbow. As it occurred I remembered thinking it felt like I was being told to pay attention. And I remembered almost not taking it too seriously-- in fact, I remembered thoughtfully considering whether it actually meant I should open my eyes. Luckily, I moved from considering to taking action and opened my eyes just as the train doors swung open to my stop! If I hadn't felt the squeeze, there was a really great chance that I would have missed my exit point!

You better believe I gave them a silent THANK YOU! I also told them to feel free to keep on communicating with me in that way and to feel free to do it with more oomphf.

This is the third time in the last two months that I've felt and noticed this "outside" touch/ call to action on different parts of my anatomy. LOVE IT!