Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Divine Synchronicity

I was headed over to a friend's for a Reiki Massage session this evening.

On the way, I asked for Divine assistance from God, specific Archangels, etc and also asked that my friend be able to help me release anything that I was ready to let go of, as well as communicate a message to me from Spirit. I wasn’t going to tell her my prayer—I just hoped I’d get something without having to verbally bring it up.

While I was sitting outside her Apt. Bldg., I was looking down at my phone, checking my txts. Suddenly there was a gust of wind and I looked up just in time to see something flying straight for my face.

Thinking it was debris of some sort, I spun backwards to get out of its path. But as I was spinning, my focus sharpened on said object and to my delight, I realized it was a little feather! Instinctively, I reached out and grabbed it. And then I laughed with glee. And then I gave thanks because I felt it had been Divinely catapulted right into my face! (I've been seeing feathers on the ground since this summer and last week I remember requesting a unique feather experience from them. Well, hello?!! I think this feather smacking me in the face was a unique enough experience). But wait, there’s more.

When I got upstairs, I mentioned this to my friend and she immediately agreed that it was a sign and then she said to me that the Angels were probably telling me that there was nothing to worry about. Her choice of words drew another glee filled laugh!!!

I got my message from my friend--the message I had asked the Angels to give me through my friend when I was making my way over to the session!

You see, I have several Angel Oracle card decks and the last couple of days, one of the cards I have consistently drawn--and is actually the first card for a five day card spread that I drew for this week, says in bold: "THERE IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT." (And because of the image on the card, I decided when I drew it yesterday (I affirmed loudly) that anytime I drew this card from now on, I would accept it as a message from Archangel Michael--or know that he was with me).

So to recap: Last week I ask for a unique feather experience and this week I get smacked in the face by a little feather! Then this week I ask for an Angelic message. In response to my feather tale, unbidden, my friend says they're telling me not to worry. And that message just happens to be the first card I drew for this week's five day spread using Doreen Virtue's Daily Guidance from Your Angels' Oracle Card deck. It all feels so beautifully synchronistic :) So awesome:)

Just wanted to share :)