Sunday, October 21, 2012


There are a few things I want to go back and mention on this blog, so I'm doing it here. I didn't note them here when they occurred, but I want to do so now.

SEPT. 29 2012

Some days ago (maybe a week or so), after meditating, I took a short nap where I had a dream that I was in communication. There were two names. The one I didn't recognize and so, alas, I didn't hold on to it--although it started with the letter C. The other was the name Abel. Then, I felt what I can only describe as a light but distinct, single kick/nudge on the right side of my butt--as though indicating, "OK enough of that, it's time to get up now." It made me laugh and still makes me laugh thinking about it now. My internal response at the time was something along the lines of, "OK, thanks for the physical contact! It doesn't get any clearer-- I'm getting up!" Thing is, I don't know the significance of the name Abel and I don't remember what transpired in the dream. I also don't know an Abel--the exception being the story about Cain's brother from the Old Testament.

OCT. 3RD 2012

I spoke to a few folks about my dream and the upshot of the conversation is as follows:

Experiencing that kick was such a gift because I had no doubts that it had occurred--that I had experienced it in physical matter reality with my physical senses-- and I had no doubts that it had originated from Spirit. And now, hindsight being 20/20, the more I've thought about the word "able" as opposed to the name "Able" as being right on the mark, it makes so much sense that the action that followed it (getting "kicked") was a continuation of the dream state message--you are able, so get up and get going :D

So, I'm heeding the message and I'm taking action ;)

OCT. 7TH 2012

There have been some absolutely beautiful, tear inducing, heart stopping synchronicities with my personally administered Oracle deck card sessions and a Moon Reading I received a week ago. When I first received the Moon reading, I was not completely convinced because I thought I had been working on the topics that were brought up. And then I began to see the same topics in my Oracle card sessions. Not only in one but in all three decks!! I think I started crying, but I was mostly grateful and kind of in awe. It's just so affirming! I'm excited for what is unfolding and grateful for more and more comprehension, clarity, guidance. SO EXCITED :)