Monday, October 29, 2012


A “small” note on the sometimes disconnect between thoughts and feelings in regards to "letting go."

My Moon Reading in late September brought up my need to let go of the past and the need for balance. At first I didn't get it—I genuinely thought I was/had been doing that. But I was given an affirmation and so I decided to keep it up for the month as was suggested.

A few days after the reading, I drew the Let Go of the Past card and the Balance card during my personal sessions—one deck had both cards! I knew in that moment, without a doubt, that the Moon Reading was spot on and drawing the cards confirmed it. And in the days that followed, the themes of balance and forgiveness and letting go of the past came up in all my cards (from different decks) in one form or another. I knew then that this was of great importance to my growth. I took it seriously and said the affirmation every night and sometimes during the day.

Recently, I received some long distance energy healing from a lady I had "never met before." She gave me a message that I needed to resolve the difference between my thoughts and feelings--that sometimes old feelings are not released and that even though we THINK differently, we still FEEL the same. And that it was time for me to express the old stuff and really let it go.

Ding, Ding, Ding! This lady did not know about my Moon Reading or the results of my personal sessions. But she hit the nail on the head on that topic of accurately letting go! On top of that, I now knew exactly what it was referring to. I had clear examples come to mind of saying one thing—“I let go of this situation and such and such person”-- THINKING one thing, but not fully FEELING it--not going back to make certain I released the feelings as well. In some cases, I wallowed in the feeling of holding on to the grievance as a victim, thereby coloring any subsequent interaction with the people involved.

So, basically, not really letting go--talking the talk, but not walking the walk, ya dig?

I say all this to ask you to check in with yourself in your “letting go” affirmations. You could be affirming it, but not fully feeling it. Or perhaps even acting in ways that undercuts truly feeling it, by playing the same tune over and over again, hence cancelling out the efforts of thinking/intellectually affirming "Letting go."

I desire to heal all possible disconnects between the mind and the heart. I desire to heal by playing a conscious role in my healing.

"As long as my heart beats love, my surroundings fit me like a glove." <3