Monday, October 29, 2012
I woke up this morning, glanced over and realized, in horror, that my cell phone had traveled overnight and was now wedged between my bed and the wall next to said bed. Immediately, I reached out, trying to grasp the bit I could see, praying that it wouldn't make the long tumble from where it currently was, down to the hard wood floor below, praying that I’d get to it before gravity did.
Gravity won.
Quickly, I threw off my covers, jumped up, and covering the terrain underneath my bed, scurried across the floor. Reaching out, I cradled my phone, and after careful examination, uttered a sigh of relief. Everything appeared to be fine.
As I perused the cell phone screen, I noted the time. 8:50 AM. I then made a vow to never sleep with my phone on my bed again and took steps to locate a better suited perch for it-- a perch that would allow me to hear the morning alarms I had set and, at the same time, allow me to hit the snooze button if I felt I could afford to sleep a bit longer ;p
I then went on the internet to read my emails and check on a particular message board. I was specifically looking for a response from a lady whose past postings mentioned personal dissatisfaction regarding where she was in her life. In my last post to her, I had asked her to tell me about her dream life/ job etc. And this morning’s response proffered answers to those queries.
After reading the message, I felt inspired to take action. It was the same general feeling I had experienced when I first asked her to send the reply detailing her ideal life situation. But now, I felt the inspiration asking me to go a step further. I now felt inspired to write out an affirmation for her.
I've never purposely done that for anyone before.
But desiring to be of genuine help, desiring this to come from my heart, I immediately asked for Divine assistance. I asked for help in formulating it in a way that could be accessible for her. As soon as I’d made my request, and as soon as I had decided to follow the impulse to write, the morning alarm on my cell phone went off.
In that moment, hearing that alarm felt as though the Universe had agreed to help me. Aside from the fact that it was my morning alarm, it felt like a wake-up call, both literally and figuratively. I felt such a strong connection between its ringing at that exact moment and my readiness to take this step to help. I had asked the angels for their aide and in a way, it was as though they chimed in, reassuring me that all would be as I had requested. I noticed the time. 9:35 AM.
I have taken a recent interest in Angel Numbers and have been checking out the meanings via this website:
Below are the two interpretations for the two sets of numbers I “happened” to notice this morning. I don’t believe in the term coincidence. I believe in synchronicity. I believe that the Universe is always speaking to us and I’m ready to pay attention to every bit, every clue, and every advice that my intuition leads me to notice.
850: Angel Number 850 suggests that the efforts you have made towards changing your life for the better and living your personal spiritual truths have been acknowledged by the angelic and spiritual realms. The angels wish to congratulate and commend you on your diligence and determination and send you blessings, love, encouragement and support. You are urged to continue making positive changes in your life that will lead to personal happiness and success on many levels.
935: Angel Number 935 is a message regarding the important life choices and positive changes you are making (or are about to make) in your life. Trust that these changes are in alignment with your life path and soul mission and have been Divinely inspired. Your prayers and positive affirmations have been heard and are being responded to in the form of new opportunities and circumstances that will propel you along your Divine life path and soul purpose. Have faith and trust in your intuitive messages and take action accordingly.
Both numbers spoke to my heart. Both numbers felt like confirmations that all my prayers and recent actions were truly in alignment with my soul’s purpose.
In fact, as I'm coming to an end in writing this post, I just looked at the clock. 8:14 pm. Checking the site for it’s meaning, I smiled.
814: Angel Number 814 indicates that you are fully supported by the Universe, the angels and Archangels, and all that you will ever need will be supplied as required. The persistent work and effort you have put towards living your personal truths has ensured that solid foundations have been laid. Give any fears, concerns or worries to the angels for healing and transmutation, and stay positive and optimistic in order to manifest your highest good.
Thanks guys:)
“As long as my heart beats love, my surroundings fit me like a glove.” <3
A “small” note on the sometimes disconnect between thoughts and feelings in regards to "letting go."
My Moon Reading in late September brought up my need to let go of the past and the need for balance. At first I didn't get it—I genuinely thought I was/had been doing that. But I was given an affirmation and so I decided to keep it up for the month as was suggested.
A few days after the reading, I drew the Let Go of the Past card and the Balance card during my personal sessions—one deck had both cards! I knew in that moment, without a doubt, that the Moon Reading was spot on and drawing the cards confirmed it. And in the days that followed, the themes of balance and forgiveness and letting go of the past came up in all my cards (from different decks) in one form or another. I knew then that this was of great importance to my growth. I took it seriously and said the affirmation every night and sometimes during the day.
Recently, I received some long distance energy healing from a lady I had "never met before." She gave me a message that I needed to resolve the difference between my thoughts and feelings--that sometimes old feelings are not released and that even though we THINK differently, we still FEEL the same. And that it was time for me to express the old stuff and really let it go.
Ding, Ding, Ding! This lady did not know about my Moon Reading or the results of my personal sessions. But she hit the nail on the head on that topic of accurately letting go! On top of that, I now knew exactly what it was referring to. I had clear examples come to mind of saying one thing—“I let go of this situation and such and such person”-- THINKING one thing, but not fully FEELING it--not going back to make certain I released the feelings as well. In some cases, I wallowed in the feeling of holding on to the grievance as a victim, thereby coloring any subsequent interaction with the people involved.
So, basically, not really letting go--talking the talk, but not walking the walk, ya dig?
I say all this to ask you to check in with yourself in your “letting go” affirmations. You could be affirming it, but not fully feeling it. Or perhaps even acting in ways that undercuts truly feeling it, by playing the same tune over and over again, hence cancelling out the efforts of thinking/intellectually affirming "Letting go."
I desire to heal all possible disconnects between the mind and the heart. I desire to heal by playing a conscious role in my healing.
"As long as my heart beats love, my surroundings fit me like a glove." <3
Sunday, October 21, 2012
There are a few things I want to go back and mention on this blog, so I'm doing it here. I didn't note them here when they occurred, but I want to do so now.
SEPT. 29 2012
Some days ago (maybe a week or so), after meditating, I took a short nap where I had a dream that I was in communication. There were two names. The one I didn't recognize and so, alas, I didn't hold on to it--although it started with the letter C. The other was the name Abel. Then, I felt what I can only describe as a light but distinct, single kick/nudge on the right side of my butt--as though indicating, "OK enough of that, it's time to get up now." It made me laugh and still makes me laugh thinking about it now. My internal response at the time was something along the lines of, "OK, thanks for the physical contact! It doesn't get any clearer-- I'm getting up!" Thing is, I don't know the significance of the name Abel and I don't remember what transpired in the dream. I also don't know an Abel--the exception being the story about Cain's brother from the Old Testament.
OCT. 3RD 2012
I spoke to a few folks about my dream and the upshot of the conversation is as follows:
Experiencing that kick was such a gift because I had no doubts that it had occurred--that I had experienced it in physical matter reality with my physical senses-- and I had no doubts that it had originated from Spirit. And now, hindsight being 20/20, the more I've thought about the word "able" as opposed to the name "Able" as being right on the mark, it makes so much sense that the action that followed it (getting "kicked") was a continuation of the dream state message--you are able, so get up and get going :D
So, I'm heeding the message and I'm taking action ;)
OCT. 7TH 2012
There have been some absolutely beautiful, tear inducing, heart stopping synchronicities with my personally administered Oracle deck card sessions and a Moon Reading I received a week ago. When I first received the Moon reading, I was not completely convinced because I thought I had been working on the topics that were brought up. And then I began to see the same topics in my Oracle card sessions. Not only in one but in all three decks!! I think I started crying, but I was mostly grateful and kind of in awe. It's just so affirming! I'm excited for what is unfolding and grateful for more and more comprehension, clarity, guidance. SO EXCITED :)
It's Just a Little Touch ;)
I was running late today and so I asked the angels for help in getting to a certain place by a certain time. I got on the subway, put on some music and closed my eyes. At one point during the commute, I looked at my watch and was thrilled to see I was making great time (totally attributing this to asking for their help)and so I closed my eyes again.
Sometime later, I felt as though I was straddling the worlds of "real" life and the beginning stages of sleep. I heard the train system announce the stop before my stop, but somehow thought I had more time before my actual stop. Well, as I sat there with eyes closed, I felt a gentle, but definite touch on my right arm--as though someone's thumb and forefinger came together to apply a light squeeze to an area above my elbow. As it occurred I remembered thinking it felt like I was being told to pay attention. And I remembered almost not taking it too seriously-- in fact, I remembered thoughtfully considering whether it actually meant I should open my eyes. Luckily, I moved from considering to taking action and opened my eyes just as the train doors swung open to my stop! If I hadn't felt the squeeze, there was a really great chance that I would have missed my exit point!
You better believe I gave them a silent THANK YOU! I also told them to feel free to keep on communicating with me in that way and to feel free to do it with more oomphf.
This is the third time in the last two months that I've felt and noticed this "outside" touch/ call to action on different parts of my anatomy. LOVE IT!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Divine Synchronicity
I was headed over to a friend's for a Reiki Massage session this evening.
On the way, I asked for Divine assistance from God, specific Archangels, etc and also asked that my friend be able to help me release anything that I was ready to let go of, as well as communicate a message to me from Spirit. I wasn’t going to tell her my prayer—I just hoped I’d get something without having to verbally bring it up.
While I was sitting outside her Apt. Bldg., I was looking down at my phone, checking my txts. Suddenly there was a gust of wind and I looked up just in time to see something flying straight for my face.
Thinking it was debris of some sort, I spun backwards to get out of its path. But as I was spinning, my focus sharpened on said object and to my delight, I realized it was a little feather! Instinctively, I reached out and grabbed it. And then I laughed with glee. And then I gave thanks because I felt it had been Divinely catapulted right into my face! (I've been seeing feathers on the ground since this summer and last week I remember requesting a unique feather experience from them. Well, hello?!! I think this feather smacking me in the face was a unique enough experience). But wait, there’s more.
When I got upstairs, I mentioned this to my friend and she immediately agreed that it was a sign and then she said to me that the Angels were probably telling me that there was nothing to worry about. Her choice of words drew another glee filled laugh!!!
I got my message from my friend--the message I had asked the Angels to give me through my friend when I was making my way over to the session!
You see, I have several Angel Oracle card decks and the last couple of days, one of the cards I have consistently drawn--and is actually the first card for a five day card spread that I drew for this week, says in bold: "THERE IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT." (And because of the image on the card, I decided when I drew it yesterday (I affirmed loudly) that anytime I drew this card from now on, I would accept it as a message from Archangel Michael--or know that he was with me).
So to recap: Last week I ask for a unique feather experience and this week I get smacked in the face by a little feather! Then this week I ask for an Angelic message. In response to my feather tale, unbidden, my friend says they're telling me not to worry. And that message just happens to be the first card I drew for this week's five day spread using Doreen Virtue's Daily Guidance from Your Angels' Oracle Card deck. It all feels so beautifully synchronistic :) So awesome:)
Just wanted to share :)
On the way, I asked for Divine assistance from God, specific Archangels, etc and also asked that my friend be able to help me release anything that I was ready to let go of, as well as communicate a message to me from Spirit. I wasn’t going to tell her my prayer—I just hoped I’d get something without having to verbally bring it up.
While I was sitting outside her Apt. Bldg., I was looking down at my phone, checking my txts. Suddenly there was a gust of wind and I looked up just in time to see something flying straight for my face.
Thinking it was debris of some sort, I spun backwards to get out of its path. But as I was spinning, my focus sharpened on said object and to my delight, I realized it was a little feather! Instinctively, I reached out and grabbed it. And then I laughed with glee. And then I gave thanks because I felt it had been Divinely catapulted right into my face! (I've been seeing feathers on the ground since this summer and last week I remember requesting a unique feather experience from them. Well, hello?!! I think this feather smacking me in the face was a unique enough experience). But wait, there’s more.
When I got upstairs, I mentioned this to my friend and she immediately agreed that it was a sign and then she said to me that the Angels were probably telling me that there was nothing to worry about. Her choice of words drew another glee filled laugh!!!
I got my message from my friend--the message I had asked the Angels to give me through my friend when I was making my way over to the session!
You see, I have several Angel Oracle card decks and the last couple of days, one of the cards I have consistently drawn--and is actually the first card for a five day card spread that I drew for this week, says in bold: "THERE IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT." (And because of the image on the card, I decided when I drew it yesterday (I affirmed loudly) that anytime I drew this card from now on, I would accept it as a message from Archangel Michael--or know that he was with me).
So to recap: Last week I ask for a unique feather experience and this week I get smacked in the face by a little feather! Then this week I ask for an Angelic message. In response to my feather tale, unbidden, my friend says they're telling me not to worry. And that message just happens to be the first card I drew for this week's five day spread using Doreen Virtue's Daily Guidance from Your Angels' Oracle Card deck. It all feels so beautifully synchronistic :) So awesome:)
Just wanted to share :)
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