Tuesday, April 12, 2011

RE: Speaking my Truth

So, on my way home from work, I realized something.

I was not fully at peace with the aftermath of my exchange with the member of my staff because I was judging how he responded to my email. He did not respond in the way I that I would have liked him to respond.

"Note taken."

I was dissatisfied by that.

Not, "You're absolutely right" or "I apologize" or "I just wasn't thinking" but "Note taken."

Now, putting ego aside, we all played our parts.

I spoke up where I felt I wanted to speak up and in that moment he played his part as well by responding in the only way he felt he could.

Why then should I not allow him to respond in the way that he wants?

I was not fully at peace because I was still finding him guilty. Maybe it would have been different if he had responded with, "You're wrong" or "That's your problem." And had he done that, I would have had to address that and gone back and forth until some outcome had come to pass.

But he didn't.

He acknowledged what I asked him to do--he took the note.

Therefore any witholding of peace on my part, really doesn't make sense. Ultimately, I can only be responsible for myself--my intentions and my actions.

Trying to control his response or judging his response as right or wrong is beside the point. Looking to him to react a certain way as the determining factor of whether I am at peace or not is dangerous. He's not responsible for my happiness. I am.

I took action. I feel good about that.

As for his response? I must accept it as is and let it be.

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