Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Matter of Perspective

I was speaking with someone today about a Customer Service experience she recently had.

After listening to what unfolded, I came up with possible reasons why the Representative she had dealt with had acted in the manner he did. She replied that she didn’t really care why he acted the way he did—she just needed him to answer her questions clearly and succinctly.

In that moment, I felt myself stop. Now mind you, I was still listening attentively, but, for lack of a better word, I stopped “pushing” my ideas and let her have her say.

Just because I tried to see other reasons for why people may do what they do, doesn’t mean that someone else would find that train of thought particularly helpful. And this in turn, made me realize that she hadn’t asked for my opinion in the first place.

Her perspective isn't wrong-- it’s just how she chooses to see the matter-- it’s her reality. And I see the benefits of it-- you just deal with what it is that you set out to deal with, without creating any additional, potential, illusions to the situation. The approach seems clean and clear and to the point.

I think for me though, if I start to take it personally and play it over and over in my mind and have a hard time letting it be, then seeing other sides of the story-- having empathy inducing thoughts will help me “suffer” less…

Based on that interaction, I think it’s safe to proffer the following final thoughts on the matter: Which response brings a more peaceful approach to any situation?

Answer: Well that entirely depends on the person experiencing said situation:)

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