Monday, April 18, 2011

Testing Waters

He had just placed two huge free weights down on the ground in front of a gym mirror, as I made my way over to him.

I had finished the Weights section of my workout and wanted to make contact before heading upstairs.

"Hello," I said smiling up at him. The tell tale signs of sweat on his skin, led me to conjecture that he had been making very good use of his workout time. Either that or he had a glandular problem.

"Hello," he responded in kind.

"I just wanted to come over and say hi," I said, a bit surprised at how shyly that came out. Clearing my throat, "How's everything going? Are you feeling better from before?"

Being in such close physical proximity, I couldn't help but notice that he was really quite handsome.

"Yes, much better."

And because I was in such close physical proximity, I also couldn't help but notice the definition in his physique. Let's just say that all the effort he was putting in at the gym was paying off.

Since I had sought him out and since our past conversations had consisted of hellos and goodbyes, I didn't want to squander the opportunity of a meaningful verbal exchange. Therefore, re-focusing on the conversation, I continued with "Did you figure out if it was a cold or allergies?"

"I think it was a cold, but I'm definitely better now. You know how it is when you're with kids--germs and all."

Excellent! I had an opening to find out more about his work.

"What exactly do you teach?"

"I teach at F__ D___ A___."

I had no idea where that was, but I intended to rectify that over Google later on this evening.

"No, but what exactly is it that you teach?"


"How old are the kids?"

"Fourteen, fifteen."

"Oh, wow. That's cool."

I found myself wondering what type of teacher he was and what his students thought of him both as a teacher and as a person.

"Yeah. I like it," he said smiling. "Things good with you?"

A little flustered at now being the subject of the conversation, "I'm good!" I said some what over enthusiastically. Toning it down I continued with, "I was battling something not too long ago--but I think it was allergies. Otherwise I'm doing good."

"Well, that's good," he smiled again.

Sensing it was time to make a graceful exit--afterall, he was here to workout--"Well," I said once again somewhat shyly, "I just wanted to come over and say hi."

"Okay sweetie," he laughed, patting me lightly on the back. I smiled at him once more and then headed straight for the locker room.

Once inside, I opened my locker and began the routine of getting out all the items to begin washing my face. I had made my way over to the sink before I realized that I hadn't even done the cardio portion of my workout! Shaking my head as I placed the items back into the locker, I couldn't help but laugh. By choosing to walk over and speak to him, I had literally and figuratively thrown myself off of my routine.

With my belongings safely locked away, once more I headed out to the gym floor, this time making my way upstairs, intent on finishing my routine.


I know students are currently on Spring Break this week, but I forgot to bring that up to P__ and ask about his plans. Admittedly, I'm thinking this would have been a nice segue to broaching the friendly cup of coffee plans from weeks before. But the thing is, I also want to believe that if he is interested, he will ask me--he will bring it up. Afterall, I made the initial move so its not so farfetched to expect him to follow through--again that is if he is interested, right? I mean, that makes sense doesn't it?

Oh well. I will not deal in speculation/assumptions. I am enjoying being able to say hello to him. It sure beats watching him from afar;)

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