It was 10 degrees this morning, so I made a stop into a little tea shop and purchased a large container of tea in one of those large to-go coffee cups. Purchase in hand, I made my way, briskly, across the street to my place of work. As I got closer to the see through glass doors leading into the building, I happened to look to my left, towards the parked cars on the street, as an older gentleman was stepping out of a rather large, black car. We made eye contact and he called out a very hearty, “Good Morning!” His slightly accented English made me think he was possibly of Italian descent. I replied in kind—I couldn’t help but match his enthusiastic tone. He then added, in the same jovial, warmth filled manner, “If you happen to have an extra cup of coffee, I’d be glad to take it from you.” Without skipping a beat, I said, “I don’t, but I wish I did because I would gladly give it to you.” We both laughed and then wished each other a lovely day. ‘What a beautiful interaction,’ I thought as I went in to my building. Once inside, I glanced back as he was pulling out his coat, which had been sitting on the passenger seat of the car, and began putting it on to fortify himself against the chill in the morning air. I got on the elevator, pressed the button to my floor and realized it was still locked. Normally, I would have noticed that before getting on the elevator, but I had been pleasantly distracted by the recent interaction of the morning. So, I got back out, unlocked my floor, and then got back on the elevator, smiling as it began to make its way up. I found myself, once again, thinking back to the interaction. Something about it reminded me of the gentle camaraderie between neighbors in a small, somewhat, close knit community. I’d never met him before in my life but, in a few seconds, he helped bring a lovely warmth to my heart and a wonderful start to my day. I love that! Love it! I hope your day is filled with beautiful interactions cocooned in warmth that make you stop and feel.