Thursday, March 5, 2015

3/5/15 Observation (Spaces in Togetherness)

Earlier this morning, on my way to the subway station, a couple passed me on the street. They came up from behind me so I didn't see the expressions on their faces, but their body language spoke volumes. At least spoke volumes to me wink emoticon It was raining/sleeting--had been since I'd woken up-- and so my primary focus--really my one true objective from the house to the subway station-- had been watching my step so as not to fall. When they passed by, I looked up and couldn't help but smile. As they walked, he had his left arm gently draped around her left shoulder and she, in turn, was leaning towards him. But even in their closeness I felt (to paraphrase Khalil Gibran) "a space in their togetherness." And they were covering a lot of ground. Much more ground than I was. And they kept up their pace and close physical proximity all the way to the entrance of the subway station. I like to believe they would have continued in the same close knit fashion had there not been stair cases to descend. Concrete stair cases covered with potentially slippery sleet. I don't know if they physically reconnected when they got past the stairs. By the time I got to the bottom of the stairs and onto the subway platform, they were gone. The memory just popped back into my head a few minutes ago...In other news, I need to get new snow boots wink emoticon