Sometimes I waver. Here's the thing. I know...OK, I believe, that my life's purpose involves writing. Why? I love to write...OK, I can get so excited to write. When I'm in FLOW of painting with words, I'm in love.
Some years back I decided that I felt I could be passionate about writing children's books around the theme of empowerment. My house mates have children and observing various interactions has convinced me that more compassion towards and empowerment steerage in children can only lead to a happier adolescence and adulthood. Since then, I have begun three stories. Two of them are children's book ideas and the other one ...well, I'm not certain I can categorize it at the moment. But it's definitely geared more towards adults.
And I haven't finished any of them.
To be perfectly honest, I need to be more disciplined (i.e. write everyday--either working on all three or picking one to focus on each day).
Committing to this and really going for it, I feel would be empowering for me. Making my living doing this, would be empowering for me.
I am all that is in my own way.
Even Spirit is cheering me on. I drew three Oracle cards today: ACTION, SPREAD YOUR WINGS, BUSINESS. The first two need no further clarification. If there was any further light shed on the meaning of those two cards, I'd pretty much be blinded by it. The last card is connected to the Goddess Venus and speaks about approaching business from the heart, from love. Let love fuel that which you want to do and watch the magic happen.
It all sounds good to me.
I've just got to do it.