Thursday, July 17, 2014

7/17/14 Entry (Breathe)

Today. Tomorrow. Always.
It's important to be supportive of/to ourselves--particularly when things unfold in a manner where reaching for frustration is as automatic as breathing. Although, not deep breathing. Obviously. More akin to that just-getting-by-mostly-shallow-kind of breathing we all do until we realize that we need to take deeper breaths. I was reminded of this the other day. I was out in the world, walking and had mostly convinced myself that the folks in frontof me were not moving fast enough. I was almost successful--I had gotten to the loud-sighing-looking-up-to-the-heavens-making faces-internal-temperature-rising stage. But then for some reason it occurred to me to stop putting change into the overreacting machine. What was the point of overreacting because other people weren't obeying my hidden (although it's clearly posted in my head ;p ) side walk speed limit? So, I found myself consciously thinking along the lines, "Breathe. I'm safe. Everything's fine. I'll get there when I get there." Basically talking myself down from getting annoyed. And it helped. It helped because it gave me a sense of control. And the only thing I could control in that moment was how I was feeling.
Goodness knows I gotta practice it, but I want to give myself more support. It'll help me in working through the kinks that sometimes happen. I believe.
Hope you'll be good to yourselves today, folks smile emoticon Xx