Tuesday, July 29, 2014

7/29/14 Entry (What a Way to Start the Day!)

The temperature dropped even more, overnight. I awoke to the sounds and sight of the wind rustling the leaves on the trees outside my bedroom window. It brought to mind images of an older sibling intently engaged on mussing up the hair of his younger brother.
I went to bed last night and woke up this morning with even stronger thoughts of Hot Apple cider and Pumpkin pie on the brain. This comes as no surprise as this weather, like Autumn, feels so refreshingly invigorating.
I threw off the covers and traded the warmth of my bed for a seat by the window.
Something about this weather makes me feel like I’m waiting off stage in the wings, and more than a little excited as I’m about to make my first on stage entrance of the night. It feels as though I’m about to participate in the Biggest. Improv. Ever... Life. Literally and figuratively…And I’m excited♫
What a way to start the day wink emoticon
See you out there today, friends. Good luck on that crazy, big a** stage tongue emoticonLet the games begins heart emoticon Hope you have fun smile emoticon