Most times, my heart beats a conga every time I’m about to do something new, labeling the “new” as, on some level, “scary.”
Of course, depending on the exact nature of the something new, there’s always another way of interpreting the experience— a more helpful/ supportive/ expansive way— so that when my heart is doing the “Conga”, my body and my mind views it with more of a “Get on your feet,” or “Party Time” kind of enthusiasm (I’ve been revisiting some Gloria Estefan songs recently🙃 😉).
But I have to accept that first feeling of "scary", notice it, honor it, before I can gently talk myself into opening up space for the latter one of enthusiasm. Working on it 😊
All the best to you today with noticing current patterns. All the best with acknowledging how they are shaping your journey. And all the best with gently choosing that which supports the life you consciously want to live. Cheering. You. On.