Years ago, I was out walking with a friend and she cautioned me about looking at the ground. I explained to her that I did it to avoid stepping in something unfortunate. But I understood her concern. Thing is, when out in the world, I do try to take it all in: the ground, my surroundings, the pathway ahead of me. Another reason for looking at the ground is to assist in executing sure footing--the possibility of tripping out there in the world is a very real thing. And a third reason I've found since that years ago convo is, there’s a chance of finding money. Like this $20 I found today.
In other news, grateful for this symbol of abundance showing up for me today :)
PS- I’ve added it to the $10 bill I found back in September. They’re both in a cup, housing some other things, on my table. I haven’t felt inclined to use the $10, and that’s very different from the found money of years past. Although, if they were housed in my pocket I’d probably use them sooner than later. But I also like the idea of collecting found money until there’s something special I want to use it for...