Thursday, July 30, 2015

PSA From the Heart (Thank You, Teacher)

PSA from the Heart
I chose you to teach me.
I chose you consciously or unconsciously, but I chose you.
I chose you to teach me patience.
I forgot that in the heat of our interactions.
I chose you to teach me how to empower myself.
I forgot that when all I could see was your disinclination to step up and take responsibility.
I chose you to teach me how to forgive.
You played your part so well; I forgot I didn't have to be a victim.
I chose you to teach me love —not necessarily by emulating your example, but by learning to give to myself and to others that which appeared to be lacking in our interaction.
I chose you to teach me.
And for that, I thank you.
I may not always remember this as all is unfolding, but when I am ready, I will look within and master the lesson that I chose you to teach me.Breath's Possibilities

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Reacting to Rain drops

Rain drops twinkled like diamonds
Strewn upon the tree branch outside her bedroom window.
Seeing this, her heart smiled,
Illuminating her entire being from within.
Grateful she was for the riches
Mother Nature gifted to her in abundance.
And grateful she was not only for eyes,
but for the gift of sight

Monday, July 27, 2015

PSA from the Heart

PSA from the Heart
For the peace makers out there. Please remember that it’s just as important to intend genuine peace for yourself as well. It’s not really “peace” if you’re only thinking about the other people involved, but throw your right to feeling peaceful under the bus. Articulate your desires as well. And even if you still end up doing what you would have done in the first place, at least you've spoken up. That speaking up is the first step to change-- a change that includes the awareness that your feelings also matter. Something to think about. 

Balance Healing Pic

Salutations Radiant Lights🎶 Here is a Healing pic for you on the theme of Balance. Take some time to consciously connect within and feel out where in your life you could use some balancing. Is it in your relationships? Or maybe balancing work and play? Or perhaps balancing emotions so you can interact with the world from a place of clarity, grounding and love? Once you have connected to what you'd like balanced, then ask your guides to assist you with receiving the healing in a way that is aligned with your greatest and highest good. Please remember that to receive the healing, you must set the intention to do so. Feel free to spend as much time with the picture as you feel drawn. From the heart, Breath's Possibilities 

Friday, July 24, 2015

7/24/15 Seen on FB

7/24/15 Guardian Angel Healing Pic

Salutations Radiant Lights🎶 Here is a Healing pic for you. I asked what the energies channeled would assist with, and drew the Guardian Angel card. To me this feels like a request from our Guardian Angels to take some time to connect with them. Consciously communicate with them from the heart about what's going on with you. Grant them permission to assist you in any way that is aligned with the greatest and highest good heart emoticonTo receive this healing, please set the intention to do so and feel free to spend as much time with the picture as you feel drawn. From the heart, Breath's Possibilities 

7/17/15 Healing Pic--Archangel Michael

Salutations Radiant Lights🎶🎶 Here is a Healing pic for you. I asked what the energies channeled would assist with, and drew the Archangel Michael card. Archangel Michael can be called on to assist with clearing away energies we have consciously or unconsciously allowed to attach themselves to us-- energies that are not aligned with our greatest and highest good. To receive this healing, please set the intention to do so and feel free to spend as much time with the picture as you feel drawn. From the heart, Breath's Possibilities

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

PSA from the Heart

PSA from the Heart
You know what’s in your control today? ☼Setting☼ the intention to do your best, ☼trusting☼ in the best possible outcome, ☼going☼ with the flow and ☼accepting☼ that life will assist you in ☼recalibrating,☼ from moment to moment, what your best will be. Cheering you on ♪ heart emoticon ♪

7/21/15 FB Post

☼Card of Guidance☼
From Cheryl Lee Harnish's Divine Guidance Oracle Cards
This elemental energy is calling you to connect to the mighty and loving life force of the planet. Try gardening, get a house plant, go for a hike, or sit on the grass in a park. Open yourself to the energy of the earth in every activity you do. Feel the pulse of life in the plants, embrace the magic of creation and play within the beauty and bounty that mother earth provides. Give your gratitude and prayer to all that you eat. Creating an intimate connection with Gaia heals the earth and opens you to new levels of energy, connection and communication in a very powerful way.

Friday, July 17, 2015

7/17/15 PSA from the Heart

PSA from the Heart
Speak up. It's been on your mind for sometime, and the reason you haven't spoken up is you're worried about what they will think of you. But the longer you don't address it, the more resentful and victimized you find yourself feeling. Speak up. In this situation, silence is a cell and speaking up means freedom. Speak up. Think about what you want to say. Think about why you want to say it. Think about how you want to say it. Those three things you can control. You can't control how the person(s) will respond to you, but you can take charge of the what, the why and the how of your speaking up. And in the case of the latter, remember that the manner in which you choose to speak, oftentimes, speaks louder than the words themselves. Speak up. Give them permission to respond however they choose to. But you, please, speak up. You're the only one equipped to do it for you. Speak up.

7/17/15 PSA From the Heart

PSA from the Heart
If we choose to allow it, the school of Life is a never ending process of integration. For extra tutoring? Check in with your Higher Self (who, by the way, is available everyday wink emoticon ). Just set the intention and then create the space to breathe, listen and connect. Cheering you on ♪

FB Post by Caroline Myss

FB Post by Writer, Scott Staible

"We can't underestimate how our growth impacts everything else."

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

7/14/15 PSA from the Heart

PSA from the Heart

Engage with the energy of upliftment today—whatever that means to you. And if you can include someone else in the experience? Magic, personified heart emoticon Cheering you on ♪ heart emoticon ♪

7/14/15 To Worry or Not to Worry

If you currently find yourself entertaining Worry with coffee and biscuits, I humbly implore you to consider cutting the visit short--without any explanation.

Monday, July 13, 2015

7/13/15 Salutations

Salutations Radiant Lights♪☼♪
Here's to a new week of adventures smile emoticon If you really think about it, these adventures are filled with infinite opportunities to expand our hearts in loving unconditionally--both ourselves as well as others. And sure, perhaps the first thought that crosses one's mind after reading that would be, "it's not easy." But you know, it doesn't mean it's not worth it.
Cheering. You. On heart emoticon

Divine Timing Healing Pic

Salutations♪☼♪ A Healing Pic for you♪ heart emoticon ♪ Energies channeled towards the subject of Divine Timing. To quote Doreen Virtue's Healing with the Angels Oracle: "—“Pay attention to doors that are opening and shutting for you right now. Walk through doors that open, and learn from the doors that shut…Don’t try to force open any doors that appear closed to you. Instead, ask your angels for guidance to see if the doors closed because of negative expectations, or if it’s simply a sign of Divine Timing. Look for other doors that do open, and walk through them with faith and gratitude.” In order to receive the healing, please set the intention to do so and then spend some time with the picture as you feel drawn. Cheering you on, from the heart, Breath's Possibilities & Friends♪☼♪ heart emoticon ♪

Friday, July 10, 2015

Soulmate Healing Pic

Salutations Radiant Lights♪☼♪ Here is a Healing Pic for you♪ heart emoticon ♪ I asked what the healing energies would be channeled towards and was led to the following Soulmate card. To me this means healing directed to soulmate relationships we are already aware of in our lives, or healing to assist with connecting with Soulmates. Trust your inner guidance on how the energies can be of unconditionally loving service to you and your life heart emoticon Remember to set the intention to receive and spend some time with the picture as you feel drawn. Cheering. You. On. From the Heart, Breath's Possibilities♪ heart emoticon ♪

Thursday, July 9, 2015

7/9/15 Squirrels, Helping People Connect One Smile at a Time ;)

This morning, two young boys and I shared a moment. Prior to the incident, they had been walking briskly towards my general direction as I walked towards theirs. I was headed to the subway station to make my train connection to work. And as it was a weekday during summer in my neck of the woods, and rather too early for kids who didn’t have to be up and about, to be up and about, it seemed to me that they were likely headed to summer school or summer camp and were concerned about getting to their destination on time. Suddenly, a movement amongst a huge pile of trash bags on the sidewalk in front of us, startled us all into stopping. Like a jack in the box, a grey colored squirrel popped up from the pile, carrying in between its teeth, a large French baguette. The squirrel then made its way under a nearby car before settling down to enjoy its bread feast. I say, “Feast” because, I kid you not, that French baguette was almost as long as the squirrel itself! Making eye contact with one of the boys, we shared a laugh smile emoticon With such a fortuitous start like that to its day, who knows what other awesome adventures that squirrel has coming its way? wink emoticon