Dear Mr. Bus Driver who let the lady passenger on this morning although you’d moved away from the Bus Stop, thank you.
Perhaps it touches my heart even more so because most of my life I've gotten from Point A to Point B with the assistance of public transportation. But what you did this morning was really wonderful to witness.
I was sitting on the steps of stoop-like-porch in front of the house on the corner of the street. You had already passed the Bus Stop. You had already made your pick ups and drop offs when I saw the lady running towards you. Actually, I heard her before seeing her run by me. She was half calling out and half muttering aloud to herself. The general bent of her speech was pleading for your bus to wait for her.
She ran by the side of the house. I never did see her face. Instead, I saw her arms waving in the air. I saw her long gray hair, cut in the style of a chin length bob, swinging behind her as she ran. And I could hear her winded exhalations as she moved her slightly full figured body towards the direction of the oncoming bus. As I said, I did not see her face, but I got the sense that she was a card carrying member of the older residents of the world. I came to this conclusion, partly because of the gray hair and partly because of the way she was moving. I could be absolutely wrong. The way she was moving and a head full of gray hair does not necessarily equal older citizen of the world status. But based on how her breathing underscored her words, I did feel she was moving as fast as she could—even if, technically, its execution could be described as more of a jog as opposed to full on running.
Taking all this into consideration, I thank you again, Mr. Bus Driver for stopping and letting her on.
You see, I’ve witnessed several Bus Drivers ignore others who have come running after the Bus has moved a few inches away from the stop-- even if the Bus is standing still due to being stuck in traffic. I can’t help but feel for the folks in those situations. I try not to judge the Bus Drivers because I’ve never been a Bus Driver, I don’t know what the pick up rules are, and I'm not in the Bus Driver's shoes.
I know the lady passenger was grateful. I heard her saying, “Thank you” as you came to a stop and opened the doors.
So allow me to add my thanks to hers, as well as an additional thank you for giving me the opportunity to bear witness to some kindness this morning smile emoticonHope you have a great day:)