Monday, July 1, 2013

The Gift in the Situation

I went to church this morning. I set up camp close to the end of a pew, spoke to God and the Company of Heaven from my heart, and then took my seat, waiting for the service to begin.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a man coming into the pew. Without giving it a second thought, I turned my body so he could move past me and acquire a seat. As I did this, I looked up at him, and he smiled. But instead of crossing in front of me, he sat down next to me, usurping my coveted position as closest person to the end of the pew.

He was an older gentleman and a quick assessment of his energy came back as affable. So I smiled back at him and then turned my attention towards the front of the church. This movement afforded me the opportunity to clearly see all the pews with end of seat vacancies. I counted at least 4.

As I was about to begin questioning, “Why me” in my mind, I remembered the sparrows, and the starlings I had seen on my walk over to the church. It occurred to me that I had happened upon them and had been cheerful at noting their presence. In fact, whenever I see birds (and most outdoor animals), I tend to feel like they were sent to wake me up from being in my own world and many of the encounters leave me smiling or sending thoughts of love and a greeting as I pass them by. Well, this thought triggered another recollection—part of the conversation I had with God when I had first entered the pew. I had specifically thanked Him for all the people He brought into my life and said I trusted that they showed up to teach me/gift me something.

So, thinking back to the man sitting next to me, I began to list the gifts in his showing up and the manner in which he showed up. On a basic, physical level, there was the gift of awareness-- he reminded me to be present to the presence of others. On a spiritual level, he helped me to exercise my clairsentience (I had sent out energetic feelers and felt his kind and gentle energy in return). On an emotional level, he gave me a chance to feel some light and love through the mutual exchange of a smile. And on a mental level, he reconnected me to my thoughts about bird encounters, as well as to the prayer I had said earlier.

In some ways, the aforementioned serve as added bonuses. They made it possible for me to make peace with no longer sitting at the end of the pew. I had happily missed the potential 45 minute (length of service) internal roller coaster ride I like to call, grumbling. I have been on that ride a few times before--yes, even while at church. It’s not a ride I’d recommend to anyone ;)

Just sharing:)