Some days ago, I was sitting in my bedroom and happened to look towards the window. There, I saw a rather large dandelion fluff sail by. I didn’t think too much of it except to absentmindedly register it was very rare for me to see one or to see one so large. And that was it. I went about my business.
Yesterday, I was walking down the stairs to the subway platform, when I saw another dandelion fluff. Once again it was on the large side, and this time a part of me registered a bit more consciously, “That’s kind of neat—that’s the second time I’m seeing one in such a short space of time.” And that was that. Again, I went about my business.
Later in the evening, out of the blue, it suddenly occurred to me that those dandelion fluffs might be signs from my Guides. Perhaps a random assumption, but it was such a clear thought that it felt quite plausible to me. So, I asked for a sign, and I asked that the sign make it self known to me today.
This evening, while riding the bus to the local mall, I looked out the window and saw what looked like another dandelion fluff. I strained to get a better look, but as I was on a moving bus, I wasn’t very certain. But it did remind me that I had asked for a sign in connecting those dandelion fluffs to signs from my Angels and Guides.
As the bus was pulling up to the stop in front of the mall, I remembered thinking if that hadn’t been my final sign from them, then they needed to hurry it up as I was only going to be out for a short period and evening would soon be upon us.
I got off the bus, began heading in the direction of the mall and suddenly, I saw something white flying towards me. As I watched its approach, I started to laugh. As it drew closer, I reached out and gently caught it in my hands.
It wasn’t a dandelion fluff. But it was sign enough.
In fact, it was something that I had received from them (in almost the same manner) last autumn when I had also asked for a sign. Last autumn, it practically blew right into my face and I almost spun out of its path until I noticed what it was. I like to believe it was their way of saying, “You want a sign? OK, you can’t miss this one!”
And then today, instead of almost spinning out of its way, I saw it, laughed and held out my hands to catch it. I guess I’ve come a long way since last autumn.
My angels had sent me a little white feather.
What had me laughing even more? In the air, as it flew towards me, the feather actually resembled a dandelion fluff.
Coincidence? Nope. Synchronicity. I believe♥