Wednesday, September 28, 2011


My own, affordable place that I love with all my heart and might. Living near tree lined Prospect Park or another park that fills me with inspiration and awe at its majestic beauty. Living in a beautiful, peaceful, happy environment. Enjoying coming home after work to a beautiful, tranquil, loving environment.

Successfully acting in projects that touch my spirit. Living as a successful, working, happy, wealthy, creatively inspired actress in all available mediums here and now. Making my living successfully creating and connecting with others--touching hearts, and having my heart touched in return. Being an Earth Angel.

Loving unconditionally with an open heart—knowing consciously that I can never be diminished no matter how the “other” chooses to regard me. Having more fun in my life. Laughing more. Easily forgiving myself so that I can be more open, loving and forgiving of others. More playful, more grounded, more consciously/creatively inspired.

Enjoying/experiencing a relationship where we steadily become the people we desire to be. Enjoying/experiencing a relationship where we are movements by ourselves and a force when we’re together. Enjoying/experiencing love without fear. Radiating love effortlessly. Sharing the love in my heart every time I hug. Being the best mother, sister, daughter, friend, co-worker, bright light that I can be.

Being consciously connected with my Higher Self and my Spirit Guides and my angels.

Being financially worry free.

Feeling great about myself, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally.

Experiencing: "My bounty is as boundless as the sea, / My love as deep; the more I give to thee/ The more I have, for both are infinite." (R&J) And, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,/ Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." (Hamlet)