Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I am going to let it roll of my back.

But that’s not all BUDDY. I am going to FORGIVE you. I am also going to forgive me (I didn’t really want you to spontaneously combust…not really anyway).

As I find myself conscious in this moment, I choose to take the potentially rougher terrain; it would be easier to be mad at you, to curse your very existence, to burn you in effigy (the latter would definitely give me a momentary sense of devilish, joyful defiance) but it would all be fleeting satisfaction (which is an oxymoron hence the glaring pothole i would encounter if i insist on going down that road). Truth is, by engaging in any of the aforementioned, I’d be giving away my natural claim to inner peace.

It’s one thing when you attack my claim to inner peace—whether directly or indirectly. You attack because you’re wounded and sleep walking at the same time. You’re looking out at the world with wounded eyes wide shut. But I don’t have to assist you. I’m tempted to identify with this but that would be reaching for the easy button. I don’t want to sleepwalk with a beam in my eye. For one thing, it’s quite painful, not to mention just plain dangerous. I have to be vigilant. I have to stay awake and take responsibility for my inner peace.

So go ahead; try to rain on my parade. But really, you’re just wasting your time; everyone on my float is singing and wearing a yellow raincoat.

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