At some points in the last 360+ days:
You made space for new beginnings.
You said, “Hello.” You said, “Goodbye.” Sometimes literally, sometimes energetically. And even when it was the right choice for you to make, sometimes it was just plain north of hard. But you did it.
You noticed signs and made more conscious choices, endeavoring to make deposits into the banks of self-love, self-care, and mental and emotional well-being.
You treated yourself with grace, kindness, and compassion. You treated others with grace, kindness, and compassion. Or you kept/ keep working on it. Which counts too.
You allowed yourself space to feel your feels, and practiced not shaming yourself for doing so (Gold Star!). Then, afterwards, you found a way to keep moving forward.
Your literal presence made a difference in someone else’s experience of their day. Therefore, at the very least, you basically left your unique fingerprint on their journey (the kind that will never, ever rub off).
You allowed others to touch your heart.
You bravely asked for help.
You had audacity for breakfast, set some wheels into motion, and plan on doing so again.
You paid attention to your inner child and showed up for yourself. You made tough decisions and gently (sometimes fiercely) had your back.
You spoke up. Sometimes immediately. Sometimes hours later, like after a rather persistent inner voice kept tugging on the sleeve of your attention to say, “Dude, Bruh, Hey, Yo,” relentlessly, until you listened.
You allowed your heart to care, and to continue caring.
In 2024, I wish you all of this again, and better.
A plethora of blessings on you and on your new year to come. And throughout the easy and throughout the hard, with love, I will always be Cheering. You. On.