Monday, March 6, 2023

Healthy Boundaries

Healthy boundaries, healthy relating is something I’ve grown more and more interested in.  I’ve actually begun a practice of literally calling my life force energy back throughout the course of a day or at the end of a day or when I find myself mentally and or emotionally revisiting something or someone or an interaction that feels draining to my energy.  “I call my life force energy back from ____.  And I send _____ ‘s life force energy back in all ways healing and healthy for all concerned. I ask that everyone’s life force energy be cleansed and cleared in all ways aligned with the greatest and highest good for all concerned.”  I didn’t come up with it 😁. But it’s cobbled together from a mix of ideas I’ve come across through the years.  And I very often feel clearer-- more grounded in me-- after I do it.