Friday, January 20, 2023

Facts. Cheering. You. On.


Cheering. You. On. Intention vs Reception

You did nothing wrong in sharing something that you thought/ hoped would be helpful. And they did nothing wrong by not receiving/ responding in the way that you had hoped. Learn what you can from what happened. And if you’re tempted to beat yourself up for trying in the first place or tempted to “never do that again,” remember that your initial intention was born from a desire to help. Gently keep returning to that even as you figure out how you want to move forward. Cheering. You. On 🌱


Friday, January 13, 2023

Dear ______

Sometimes, it’s really hard to be in the presence of people who love you in the only way that they know, but don’t actually know how to love you in a way that is healthy or helpful for you.  

It's not malicious--this not knowing how-- it's just how they have navigated life and haven't had a big enough internal or external changes that would inspire them to review past approaches inorder to explore new options.

At some point through the course of a day, I find her swimming in an ocean of pain, buffeted by waves of anger, sadness, hurt and regret.  She says life didn’t work out the way she had hoped.  And now, especially now, but for the longest time, that my life is far from what she had hoped for me.  

To put it mildly, she’s disappointed.  She’s disappointed and gives voice to it in a way that can be spirit crushing. 

 And still, I love her.  She's strong.  Driven to do her best or whatever she feels is best in the given circumstances.  I see her inner child and I feel so very much for her.  She's navigating so much hurt and is handling it in the only way that she knows how.  The only way she's practiced all these years.  By holding on to it and believing in an unbendable type of justice.  

At this point in my life, I’m better able to weather her storms and understand some of their origins.  But sometimes, even with my trusty umbrella—the one that’s supposed to be weatherproof – I get soaked, and my hand hurts from gripping the handle so hard against the pummeling.

How do I move forward? I want to move forward.  I ask for help.  I ask for a sign, a crystal-clear next step forward sign.  Direction.  Miracles. 

Like it says on one of the cards, “Show me my next best step to take" and whenever necessary, "change me into one who can take it.”

Thank you.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Breathe and Feel. Cheering. You. On.

A human being is not a machine. We're supposed to breathe and feel. So, please, take your time whenever you are able. When you catch yourself rushing through some activity, stop and check in to see if you actually have to rush in that moment or whether it's an unhelpful default setting courtesy of past experiences. Whenever it's the latter, breathe, slow down, help your body by being present in your body. And as for your feelings? They're coming up for a reason. They're asking for your awarness and the tough ones-- all the tough ones-- are asking you for your self compassion and grace as you figure out how to move forward even whilst honoring how you're feeling in the seemingly oppressive thick hot of it.

All the best with everything in your inner and outer world, today. Sending love. Cheering. You. On.