Saturday, January 1, 2022

New Year Wishes for 2022

Hello! And Bright Blessings upon you and your 2022 πŸŒŸπŸ’—πŸŒŸ In 2022, I wish you restorative silences, healthy perceiving, courage to take action or speak up when you get that inner nudging that it's the healthiest thing for you to do, all the assistance you could require in speaking up in a way that can be heard (and even when it's not heard, a genuine, quiet, inner harmony that, despite the outcome, you took steps to take care of your part of the relationship), compassion for yourself and others, the extending of grace and true forgiveness for yourself and others, more of everything that makes your inner child laugh with glee, more of everything that's healing for your energy,  more of everything that contributes to your taking the steps towards living the inner life you want to be living, patience with yourself, patience with your journey, the courage to address coping mechanisms that aren't serving you and, whenever possible and to the degree that it is healthfully possible, the courage to breathe and be present to what's unfolding πŸŒŸπŸ’—πŸŒŸ Good luck with 2022. Take gorgeous care of yourself-- as best as you are able.  C.Y.O.