Sunday, May 23, 2021

Perceptions, Good luck with the new week--5/24/21, Cheering You On.

Perception. A few weeks ago, my perception of something was upsetting me. Then I noticed a neighbor reacting to the same situation but was at peace with it. The more I thought of it, the more I kept coming back to her zen. So now, while I’m doing what I can and the situation is still not ideal, witnessing the way she was handling it had me stepping back, reassessing, and birthing my current way of being (somewhat) at peace with it— which is, for me, much healthier than continuing to add kindling to the upset. 


And then recently, I had another situation that I found upsetting and I took action from that place of upset. Until observations had me seeing what was influencing the actions I was finding upsetting.  Processing this new information, I decided to change course and see what actions, that felt more kind and helpful for all parties, I could commit to. So, I’m working on it. 


Good luck with the growing this week. Good luck with your perceptions.  Good luck with consciously contributing to your inner peace as opposed to unconsciously continuing to contribute to your upset. Good luck with how you meet with all the opportunities to love, be compassionate, be kind or forgive that shows up.  Good luck with your thoughts, words, and actions towards yourself and others.  Good luck.  Cheering. You. On.