Saturday, April 24, 2021

Energetic Mirrors, Seen in Brooklyn

Sitting on a bench outside a shopping mall, I saw a group of four walking: two women and two little girls— the latter, likely, early elementary schoolers. The two adults were carrying shopping bags and each had a little girl walking both beside her and at the same time trailing slightly behind her. As they approached the crosswalk, the signal changed, giving them the right of way, and the little girls took off; free spirit personified. 

And then the wind picked up, providing additional momentum that seemed to fuel the raising of their arms, now outstretched to their sides, channeling airplane wings, while their feet easily overtook the adults in the race to the other side. 

And just as their crosswalk adventure was coming to its end, just as I further entertained the thought of children as free spirits, I saw two older girls, who were also running, but crossing over towards my side of the street by way of another crosswalk. These girls, who looked to be teenagers, appeared slightly winded from their exertion, and once across their designated finish line, immediately eased into a stroll as one reached over and both clasped the other's hand. 

On the heels of seeing the two sets of girls, I found myself smiling.  While there were obvious differences between them and in how they engaged in the same activity, ultimately, both felt like energetic mirrors of each other; both felt like free spirits, personified.