Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Practicing Consciousness: Honoring the Emotions with an eye on Inner Peace

I had a moment recently where I got upset at myself for the way I responded to someone’s actions.  I had responded in a way that was timid and not valuing of myself and I knew as soon as I did it that it had been the wrong approach from me. You know how your body sometimes tells you, “Umm, dude, that approach was off?” Well, I heard it. And I agreed.  

Now, the person’s actions weren’t malicious, weren’t done on purpose, but I was annoyed by them.  And the annoyance lingered because I was then mad at the way I chose to address it.  

As I write this, I have now replayed the events and made mental contact with what (if I could go back in time) would have been a healthier and kinder approach from me for me that would still have honored all parties involved.  So even though I hadn’t paused and chosen this version at the time of the unfolding, touching base with it later for myself was/is actually very helpful for seeding more of how I want to be in the world—more of how I want to be in my own skin in the world.  

As for the initial reason for my annoyance, I also honored that, too.  I honored that while I was annoyed, I knew the intent was not malicious. It was important for me to accept how I was feeling (i.e., not ignore it or stay stuck stewing upon it in perpetuity).  

And it was just as important to affirm finding the best, most healthy and healing path for me to work through it all, because, ultimately, even if the road from here to there is full of obstacles, I want to be consciously contributing to my inner peace as much as is possible. Cheering. You. On.