Sunday, January 24, 2021

Welcome to a New Week, Cheering You On 1/24/21

Hello, folks. Welcoming you into a new week. Good luck with the journey. Whatever the weather, whatever you're navigating, may you connect, and choose to connect, to the choices and decisions that move you closer to nurturing inner peace, nurturing compassion, nurturing love. Cheering. You. On.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Seen on and Evening Walk

On my evening walk, as the setting sun colored the sky in hues of orange, pinks and dusk, I saw a party of three waiting a few feet outside the local mall.

A young girl, possibly 9-12 years of age, sat on a wooden bench. But the older female guardian, perhaps the mother, was being chased around said bench by a younger girl, possibly 5 or 6 years of age, in a hot pink winter coat and a snow white pom pom hat, adorned with a poof of brown at the top. The guardian, also bundled up for winter in her black coat with its brown fur lined hood, sported her own pom pom hat; black, its own poof, a blend of brown and white.
Just out of the little one’s reach—enough to make it a challenge and yet feed the young girl’s hope of victory—, the guardian alternated between jogging and speed walking around the bench. And even though they all wore masks, I could tell the guardian was smiling as the little one laughed in hot pursuit. I certainly was :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Sunset on an Evening Walk

Sun setting on my evening walk.

No matter what you find yourself navigating, even with things in the way, somehow, some way, may you always notice the light.

Cheering. You. On.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Welcome to a New Week. Cheering You On, 1/17/21

Hello :) Welcoming you into a new week. Wishing you good luck on the inner and outer plains. And, however the journey unfolds, hoping you’ll create some head and heart space to breathe. Cheering. You. On.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Practicing Consciousness: Honoring the Emotions with an eye on Inner Peace

I had a moment recently where I got upset at myself for the way I responded to someone’s actions.  I had responded in a way that was timid and not valuing of myself and I knew as soon as I did it that it had been the wrong approach from me. You know how your body sometimes tells you, “Umm, dude, that approach was off?” Well, I heard it. And I agreed.  

Now, the person’s actions weren’t malicious, weren’t done on purpose, but I was annoyed by them.  And the annoyance lingered because I was then mad at the way I chose to address it.  

As I write this, I have now replayed the events and made mental contact with what (if I could go back in time) would have been a healthier and kinder approach from me for me that would still have honored all parties involved.  So even though I hadn’t paused and chosen this version at the time of the unfolding, touching base with it later for myself was/is actually very helpful for seeding more of how I want to be in the world—more of how I want to be in my own skin in the world.  

As for the initial reason for my annoyance, I also honored that, too.  I honored that while I was annoyed, I knew the intent was not malicious. It was important for me to accept how I was feeling (i.e., not ignore it or stay stuck stewing upon it in perpetuity).  

And it was just as important to affirm finding the best, most healthy and healing path for me to work through it all, because, ultimately, even if the road from here to there is full of obstacles, I want to be consciously contributing to my inner peace as much as is possible. Cheering. You. On.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Welcome to a new week. Cheering You On post 1/10/21

Hello folks :) A new week is upon us (as I write this, for some of us, its already begun, and for others, it’s in the wings, waiting for its cue). Wherever you find yourself in this moment (literally, the moment that you are reading these words), I’d like to ask you to take a conscious, luxurious breath and then mentally send love to someone, somewhere or something. Deliberately pause and put some love out into the world. Hope you will :) Good luck with your everything this week. All the good and all the growth to you in everything <3 Cheering. You. On

(The pic is of a leaf unfurling on my plant friend, Mabel Agnes <3 I was so excited to see it, so excited to notice, I took a pic :))

Friday, January 8, 2021

Valuing Your Quiet Expressions of Being Love

Too often, we think we didn’t do anything with our day because it wasn’t comprised of grand gestures or of expressions/ experiences of overworking ourselves.

Too often, we get into the habit of taking certain things that we do or think in the everyday for granted— to the point where it’s dismissed, and therefore not valued.

What if we took the time to value the quiet expressions of love, the quiet expressions of being in the world?

To help with this, check in:

*Today, did you think about someone (be it family, friend, acquaintance, stranger) simply from a place of kindness or love in your heart?

*Did you at any point look around and give thanks for blessings— “large or small,” — in general or highly specific circumstances? (Psst— you’ve still got time ;) )

*Did you set out to touch someone’s heart or tickle their funny?

*Did you make any decisions, or entertain any thoughts that contributed, or will contribute, to your inner peace? Your wellbeing?

If you did any of the above today, don’t take it for granted. They are worthy of being consciously valued and championed by you.

Notice the quiet acts of being love that you are putting out into your world. Notice the quiet thoughts of love flowing through you. Earth school can be such a tough place. All those quiet expressions of being love matter. All those quiet expressions of being love have value. Cheering. You. On ♥️

(Inspired after reading a post by the lovely Michelle Eves on a private forum ♥️)

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Sun, Cloud, High-Five or Hello?

 Hello :) I took this pic earlier in the week. It feels a bit like the sun (with an assist from the cloud) is giving a high-five or that this bit o’cloud is waving hello and the sun is hanging back and just radiating love :) May the rest of your day and your week be visited by blessings and upliftment and grace. And may you be able to see and feel their presence even if you’re navigating not so smooth terrain. Sending love. Cheering. You. On💚