Sunday, December 1, 2019

Maybe He Just Likes You by Barbara Dee

I read this book. While it’s marketed for middle graders, I recommend it. Much of what the main character goes through brought up memories primarily from when I was in 7th and 8th grade. Memories I had buried that were connected with bullying and harassment and friendship and not having the words for feelings experienced and shrinking parts of oneself to get through because getting through seemed to be the only way to “deal.” I don’t know how reading a book like this then would have shaped me. Maybe it would have just given me language to voice/ better process certain emotions and experiences. Thing is, having that language coupled with also having someone to talk to, someone sensitive enough to notice and ask questions and listen, could, ultimately, only have helped. At the very least, this book can help to start those extremely important conversations.  And while I can see some taking issue with aspects of how the primary conflict is “resolved”, and the interactions of some of the characters after that, I find myself very much championing the actions taken by the main character and grateful to this author and all who were a part of the journey that brought this book into existence.  Something else I feel called to say is how important it is to remember that every child is unique. What can be of service to one won’t necessarily be the same for another. But we keep that truth in mind and, as best as we can, stay vigilant and communicate and listen. I think that’s about all we can “control.”